Hopeless Old Men on Skateboards volumes 1-8 available from the<a href="http://www.lulu.com/antigravitypress"antigravity press store.
Posted by: MC on August 14th, 2010
Categories: comic
Tags: H.O.M.O.S.
Hopeless Old Men on Skateboards volumes 1-8 available from the<a href="http://www.lulu.com/antigravitypress"antigravity press store.
It’s the 2′ quarters that scare me the most.
It’s not the height… it’s the sudden stop on the flat…
And the flat is so much closer on the little stuff.
but my velocity is so much faster on the bigger stuff…
I don’t have a fear of heights, I have a fear of widths
the bigger the ramp, the more you have to slide down on
Tell that to Jake Brown.
I’m not scared of any skate terrain. I’m scared sh*tless of hurting myself on it. I’ve gotten really good at hurting myself. Hmmm….wonder if there is a connection….?