Tommy McGuigan memorial pics
The Benton County Skateboard Alliance was kind enough to send over some pictures from Saturday’s Tommy McGuigan memorial challenge AKA Dawn of the Shred. Looks like it was a good time. Check it out after the jump.
UPDATE: I didn’t realize these were from (drumroll please…) Colin Walsh. I’ll have to change the copyright info.
Jay Meer impersonator!
Shame there are no pictures of Tom’s tombstone. It was a cinderblock vert extension that got built in the 6ft bowl for the event.
Check out some video of the event including the mysterious tombstone at http://bcskateboardingalliance.org/ Thanks to our sponsors and all the people that helped out. We also want to thank all the skaters who came to Corvallis for the event.
If you turn “steadyshot” off on your camera, it will get rid of the lens wiggle.