There’s real fake and fake fake
Somewhere in middle America a security guard accosts a skateboarder. Pittsburgh, according to the video. I don’t know where the law stands on security guards confiscating personal property. I predict nothing will come of this though. A reprimand possibly. That’s it. I actually didn’t watch it with the sound on, so I’ll let the peanut gallery weigh in. It’s important to note that we didn’t get to se what happened beforehand, not that it’s that important in all likelihood. Instead, lets talks about KENNY POWERS!!!!!!!!!!! I’m stoked that Eastbound and Down got picked up for a second season. I just found out about it last night before the True Blood kick off. Danny McBride is a funny mofo, Kenny Powers may well be the thing he is remembered for. This segment called Learning to Skateboard looks kind of old and isn’t his best work, but it has it’s moments and a little bit of an embryonic Kenny Powers. Don’t forget to be outraged by the security guard. There’s a pretty funny segment in Observe and Report where the security guards go off on skateboarders. Again, i wanted to be outraged, but I’d rather laugh.
– Thanks to John and Sarib for the tips.
Security Guard vs Skateboarder
Learning to Skateboard with Danny McBride
…Waiting for that ‘uniform’-comment…
Trespassing is an art, what a joke
If those were my kids in the video I’d be outraged at them for forgetting these 3 basic rules
get in, get out, don’t get caught
I heard that in real life danny mcbride is a really good vert skater….jk
the smaller the vehicle and the fatter the cop the angrier they seem to be
I’d venture to say they ignored his polite requests to vacate, I’d even go so far as nominate the kid who actually let that fat f#*@ take his board as the annoying kid of the month