Not the best picture to show you, but these riser pads are about three inches tall. It’s a result of the quick release lever for the scooter handle. If you see your friends around the corner you can stash the handle in the bushes. This thing spent some time in the rain so I got busted when I couldn’t get it to release. Now I have to hang out with the massive scooter posse that frequents the Battle Ground, Washington skatepark. Seriously, it’s like Florida over there. The scooter kids are teenagers and they have no shame.
Ha! Ha! I know! This guy in his 20’s came over where I was skating the clover and asked if he could take a run on his scooter the other day. No one over a certain age should ever ride a scooter. I’m not sure exactly what the age cutoff should be, but he was way over it. He even talked a little about the last contest he’d entered. Have some pride man! Some standards!
That guy probably has more guts, pride and integrity than most skateboarders. Good on him.
Maybe. But it looks fucking stupid. But then again I probably look pretty stupid rolling around on my little board to other adults. Look at that grown man playing with that childs toy!
I know a few of those guys and we constantly harass each other over each others choice of push toy. While I’d rather skate and give them a lot of grief for scooting I still can’t bring myself to preach conformity.
We should go to BG and break their scooters and beat them up with the broken scooter handles. na never mind violence is probably wrong and I dont think I can really fight that good anyway. I still think that T-shirt I saw at the skate barn “Scoot and Destroy” is the coolest shirt ever besides the “Thrasher logo” rainbows and unicorn shirt. O wait no I dont!
Skooter gangs are running it. Most of them are 11 years old, but once in a while there is a grown ass man. If they are smiling, and staying out of my way I don’t hate. Some of them are pretty nuts, doing flips and rolling in on vert. If they are in my way or constantly snaking then I turn into the skooter dozer. I like to grind through them as they are parked on the coping.
I was at the indoor park in Bend and it’s all scooter kids every-were. I thought that fad was over but it looks like it’s coming back big time
There is a 19 year old kid with a posse of like 9-12 year olds who ride scooters in bend. They’re always filming in downtown. I cant stand these little bastards.
Hmmm,…..nope…,still casterboards over here.
Or is it:under 12;caster and over 12;scooter?
Maybe I should hold the negative comments until I have kids myself…
we have a couple of scooters out at our ramp. My youngest rode it for a bit before switching over to the skate. when their friends come over who don’t skate they grab the scooters. its just so much easier to get in the mix on a scooter then a skate for beginners
Kilwag’s not kidding about Flarda… though they don’t really dare “scoot” outside of monitored parks (ya know, “street scooting”)… but, in parks that don’t shun them, they have no shame. At least they have answered the old question “Could anything be more embarrassing??”, regarding rollerblades. As for how old is too old, if you’re scooting as of highschool, you need to have your nose rubbed in it. The worst infestation of them around here is at a park that has BMX nights two nights a week (bikers went to park-build meetings, and totally deserve those nights), and I keep saying that if scooters were allowed on “two wheel nights”, and two wheel nights only, they’d soon be out of EVERYBODY’S hair, cuz those non-kickturning, carve-around-1′-above-the-flat into everyone-coming-back-in’s-lines doodads wouldn’t last one night, with bikes descending on them. (Or I suppose we could get word to the scooter gangs that they could get free dignity if they turn their scooters in to be melted down into toy pistols.) This seems to be a classic case of where parents need to stop focusing on trying to be friends/supportive and need to start looking out for what-is-best-for-them/recoverable-from.
I have a Sole Skate;gimme my own three-wheel night!!!
More rules! Yay Team Skateboard! Let’s get out there Saturday and give those scooter riders hell!
Now hit the showers and don’t forget to study those playbooks! The booster club and the alumni really want this win!
Do you know what elitists are doing to skateboarding?
Fitz, you missed a Dead Milkmen reference.
Ah, thanks Randy. Dude, not everything is racism, or fascism or elitism lol.
The idea that this topic falls into any serious discussion concerns me far beyond what other people are doing on scooters or soleskates or..whatever. I’m actually surprised at the lack of indifference here. I skate, I don’t scoot.
It seems kinda dumb and corny so I would laugh it off at most. I’ve seen things more ridiculous than razor scooters I guess, but if it isn’t in my way at the moment who cares?
It’s more than a little strange that anyone who rides a board and posts on here would invest any real thought or emotion on whether it’s fascist or jock or whatever to clown on scooters. Or even make that correlation.
Now what Colin described sounds worth topic.
Yours truly,(In the honor of the late Mr. Bearer)
Kilwag, I’ve never missed the Dead Milkmen in my life. Their unique blend of wacky-punk never did it for me. I realize not being a huge fan of OG skate-rock is against the rules, but I just never could give much of a fuck about them.
OG skate rock, well I don’t know about that. Just pointing out by your reply to Jake in that instance, you didn’t seem to get the joke he was making.
Take you guys out of this thread and have you skate together, everyone would probably get a long fine.
“OG skate rock”…I dunno even know what that is,or what genre that’s supposed to encompass, apparently the Dead Milkmen.
I put as much effort into being a non-conformist as I do conforming, which is to say none that I’m aware of, because neither concern me.
Anyway I’m not taking anything personally I would skate with Fitz, I’ll skate/drink with anyone at least once and I agree, Randy-because there isn’t much opportunity for debate when you are busy skating. Idle hands are the devils workshop-something like that, no?
Fail. Are you blind, or did you just start skating yesterday? Do you think you’re a unique individual because you skate, or are you simply a walking billboard who fits neatly into one of the several categories of skateboarding?
Pretending you don’t see the mainstream influence on skating simply reaffirms the point: What was once free of rules and under-the-radar is now simply another team sport. Unless you’d like to see skating go the way of snowboarding, start questioning the culture that surrounds your skateboard.
The surest marker of groupthink is blind hatred of similar group. In other words, if you don’t want to be called a jock, invest a little thought in the consequences of thinking like one.
Where have I remarked anything like that? Because I assume you are being serious? I don’t “hate” or have “hatred” towards any scooting or bikes or other alternatives.
Again, mostly indifferent and having difficulty giving a shit.
I find a grown man’s unbridled passion for accusing others of being jock or elitist for differing with your opinion, far more interesting. I’m not trying to poke the bear,Fitz,really. Still, a lot of your statements are oddly misguided, even if only for the effect of provoking debate on this subject.
I have learned to refrain from posting my diatribes until after my morning coffees have worn off…..
If you don’t give a shit, Jake, don’t respond. Since it seems you do, perhaps you’d care to tell me how I’m misguided? You spend any time studying group behavior, identity markers, status indicators, or anything else in the Sociological realm? Group formation is SOC 101, much as subculture assimilation is 102…
And as you correctly noted, the endless bashing on rollerblades, scooters, bmxers, longboarders and anyone else who doesn’t fit the proper mold is asinine, and should be discussed. However, my thoughts are far from a diatribe. Pretty much just my stock, unbridled response to the influx of the narrowminded into a culture that once welcomed individuality.
Fitz,to what end do I debate…all this? You need to read my last post. Closer. I don’t give a shit about nonsense like scooters, or “your a jock”,or “you think like a jock”, “bashing this or that is a racist/elitist/fascist mentality”.
Cause high school ended for me over 10 years ago and it’s all kinda childish, like high school.
Things have changed socially the last couple decades too, so I’ve moved on and skating isn’t about me or my perceptions and standing out, just an escape. A release in doing something I still bleed and love after all these years.
I could have made any number of incendiary or insulting remarks concerning your misconceptions or misuse of certain words but I don’t want some dumb ass pissing contests(I don’t like contests,that’s non-conformist right?) but I don’t know you and therefore unable to muster any hostility.
I am aware it’s a lot harder to think before you speak,specifically in the context of encouraging real discourse VS. baiting interweb slap-fights. I’ve been getting out a little more lately, so it’s possible we have skated and/or met,and aren’t even aware.
I’ll assume it went well….
Skateboarding stopped being free of rules when the first skate magazine was printed. There have always been rules.
…and they’ve always needed examining, especially when they’re as idiotic as bashing on other recreatioal groups.
my daughter had a Barbie skate/scooter board almost exactly like the one in the photo, huge risers, etc. The handle doesn’t come off, it folds down… She hated the handle— so I got her a decent set up… I guess we have to raise our own skaters to compete with the scooters. Which is more annoying, a razor scooter or roller blades?? That’s what I wanna know. Let’s get a raging debate over that question going…
I ran my sons skooter over “by accident”, hey what can I say… don’t leave stupid toys behind my truck.
I have a friend who first “fixes” all his daughters toys when they get them from relatives or birthday parties. He fixes them by jaming a screwdriver into the speakers if they make electronic noise.
At the Bend park (with the strange flat-wall bowls) I saw a bunch of high school kids with scoots. They were modifying them with BMX bars.
A local kid explained that they were a local posse, but he wasn’t having any of it. “I was into scooters before they got cool,” he said.
“They still aren’t cool,” I said.
He fruit-booted off, and I had to leave.
I just saw a grown-arse man commuting to work on a Razor Scoot. He hopped on the sidewalk while I was stuck at a red light on my bicycle. I was pretty envious of the dexterity of his chosen method of transport.
Scooters are our forefathers. Forget surfing, skateboarding came from scooting. Don’t forget your roots, lads.
you keep asking which is worse….friutboots or scooters? the answer is rip-sticks. hands down…the most annoying skateboard rip-off.
pray for the pool gods to banish them all. scoot,bike,inline or die…just die
Then we’ll be one big happy family of punk rock tough guys. How rad!
Stop thinking for yourself. There is no “I” in team.
I was sitting outside my house late night and I saw a guy mobbing down the road with lights on his hands, and his feet and one on his back and maybe his head – riding urethane roller skates…
and by mobbing , i mean going fast! it was easily the raddest thing i’d seen in a while !
Get that guy on the radio show.
Or take a picture of Homeboy next time, and make it your “gravatar”….
In the 20something years I’ve lived out here, I don’t think I’ve ever heard Battle Ground compared to FLORIDA!
It seems like every time I go to a skatepark in FLorida they have a lot more bladers and scooters than any other part of the country, even kids that go back and forth between boots and boards. It’s like that bad Costner movie the Postman, all the scooter kids and bladers make their way to Florida….
Every time I read the word ‘team’,I think of De Niro in the Untouchables…
Wow, I never know which posts are going to be ragers. Ironically, this one was a throwaway.
Fitz, I don’t verbally rub any pre-highschooler’s nose in it for riding a scooter, and in Flarda’s defense, at least our highschooler’s just say no to them, so I have not traumatized any budding individualists by ridiculing their handlebars/crutches. But let me tell ya about a cry for help, Fitz me lad, more tragic than any adult drug addict’s. Not long ago, a kid who’d just lent his to a friend wandered up to me in the park and babbled “I need to get my scooter back…. [pause] It doesn’t really seem like they should be allowed here, does it?” And I had not made any faces, or said a thing, nor did I proceed to… so jeez, when one would go so far as to say ‘Please stop me before I scoot again!’, c’mon… where’s your compassion?? I mean, there’s been a few slightly underaged girls who inexplicably seemed to adore my old self, but do you think I said, well, as far as they know, it’s what they want, and it ain’t like they’re not allowed to do it with boys, so who am I to keep the little darlings from riding anything that they at some point feel like??? Sometimes you just gotta be an adult, (or, in the case of scooterers, a highschooler), and say no to puerility. Nothing wrong with being down on anachronistic relationships, like between a highschooler and his scooter.
I don’t know how it is like in the US, but in France it is really common to ride a scooter and not only for kids in skate parks, but also for adults to go to work.
No one seems to care and it is “trendy” because it is esc-friendly. I skate everyday to go to work, and I see lots of scooters on the way. Even one of my bosses is coming to work on a scooter.
But here’s how it is in the states, it’s mostly little kids who ride scooters. At a skatepark, they mostly get in the way of people trying to actually use the park because they tend to be beginners flailing around or totally unaware of their surroundings.
That being said, both my kids have scooters and skateboards. My two year rages on his scooter, nothing brings me more joy than to watch him fly down the sidewalk at speeds defying logic for a kid his age, smiling as wide as a jack-o-lantern.
Europeans have a higher threshold for worrying about weather they are cool or not. We here in the States have to work harder to perpetuate the myth of cool, otherwise everyone will stop wanting to come here and buy our blue jeans and watch our action movies.
that is so my next halloween get up:
twisty mustache
striped shirt
c’est tres bien et merci beaucoup pour le idee!!!
Hey, at least they ain’t roller blading…
We’re still in the Sunny California craze …
You will buy brand new longboards from Switzerland, Germany or France, and we’ll appreciate your Chardonnay and killer parks from Oregon or Idaho.
Cocorico !
I was going to go to this German website and watch this guy blow himself for 20 minutes (love gay porn), but I think this thread will do the trick instead. Thanks guys!
I hate to nitpick by pointing out what words mean, but there are some holes(damn right pun intended)in your statement.
1)It isn’t really gay that the guy blows himself,but it is for another guy to watch it.
2)If you were gay, wouldn’t you just call it porn, and not “gay porn”?
3)And the guy blows himself for 19 minutes and 36 seconds,not 20 minutes.
The last 2 comments are outstandingly hilarious! Thanks for the laughs!
That’s why I love it. I like my chili hot and my porn FLAMING! (copyright Homer Simpson)