Random Swedish wall ride
Or not. It seems like I’ve seen this terrain before, I’m thinking France, but I’m not certain. In the still it looks super steep, but the motion of the rider looks smooth. Look for it about 50 seconds into this video review of the 2011 Volvo C30, as seen on AutoWeek.com.
– Thanks to Freakbeatfuzz for the tip.
It’s a transitioned pattern concrete bank in or near Barcelona – it’s been a hot spot with street skaters for a little while.
That looks a lot like Barcelona…
Foreign Office Architects.
You should put under “artsy fartsy”
barcelona… some gnarly tricks have gone down on that
barth-elona is how my old ass spanish teacher at sfcc used to pronounce it. The chinese/south american substitute now she was hot!!! I need to renew my damn passport soon.
Random Catalonian Wall