FELEM in Japan
I just got back from a trip to visit the guys at FELEM in Japan who are a Japanese skateboard distributor out in the Sashima County of Japan. It’s a 1 hour train ride on the Shonen-Shinjuku Line from Central Tokyo (Shinjuku) out into the middle of the Japanese Country.
These guys have an amazing set-up and are easily the corest group of skaters I’ve ever met in my life. If you’ve ever seen the “P-Stone” video of the guys in Japan you’ll understand what i’m talking about. The beauty about these guys, which i learned while visiting them, is that they don’t need anyone to tell them how gnarly they are and they’d be just as gnarly if noone was watching.
If you ever have a chance to go to Japan, contact Tsuyoshi from FELEM and he’ll be more than happy to have you visit. Here are some photos!
The little warehouse that Ii slept in.
Eat and Destroy
I love Japanese Beer
Gratuitous Thrasher Video \
rad, Japanese skaters are so inspiring.
Very cool. Thanks for sharing.
Why is my default-avatar a rollerblader? That’s messed up…
Ticorico, I’m sure there are some who are just as uninspiring as us Americans.
Holy shit Colin! You’re 10′ 6″ now? You’re going to be dominating your basketball games.
finaly some vert. looks like a bowl in the background behind the ramp
Japan= best place ever. Felem dudes know what’s up.
that shallow end would claim my front teeth!
Those Felemians are killing it, and it looks like bailing on tricks is not an option.