Another substitute for actual skateboarding
Some artists with computers putting graphics on stuff and selling it, but they have a freebie for you. I’m going to make one of these papercraft skateboarders so he can remind my papercraft Barak Obama That skateparks are always shovel-ready.
I broke two ribs yesterday. I need some skate related substitutes for actual skating for the next month or so…I imagine I’ll be loitering here worse than usual.
Well I just made one of these. It’s pretty funny. I’m going to try to adapt it to my own artwork. Sorry to hear about the ribs. Ultimate fighting?
“man-boy”? Is it those breasts?
Looks like that’s a character they use in their products.
Ultimately fighting my ego, and hanging up on a lien to tail that should have been abandoned.
“I broke two ribs yesterday. I need some skate related substitutes for actual skating for the next month or so
It hurts to read that… I didn’t have insurance from age 18-42, so in the past the tactic was go home,drink hard,lay still, hope it gets better… That’s probably what you’re doing?