You call yourself my Internet friend?
Today is my birthday. Over the weekend my wife put together a little surprise get together a bar I like called Vendetta in NE Portland. GVK brought me this weird-ass doll on a skateboard that he picked up for the occasion at Goodwill. Some disturbed child drew on her face, making her look like a… disturbed child. This carcass gets used for other themes too, like Santa Claus. I don’t have any double A batteries, so I can’t tell if she makes music while skating, although I assume so, because the tag says “Musical Motion Dolls.” I keep this thing locked in a closet at night because I’m afraid it will come to life and kill me. Check out the 90’s-style micro wheels and low rise trucks.
Oh yeah, come skate with Kilwag at the old man session, tonight at 9pm – D.O.S.. I’ll be flailing around in the back bowl.
Holy shit! Happy birthday, my internet friend!
If you douse it with gas and burn it I think you’ll find a very cool robot inside.
Burning isn’t really necessary but it will hasten a nice patina if you leave it outdoors for awhile, a critter might even take up residence Happy Birthday!
I like weird-ass dolls on skateboards