Xtreme-mas Nutcracker
My wife picked this up at Target for about $10. She buys things for me all the time with the understanding that I usually return them after photographing them, but it looks like this guy has found a permanent home here. It’s kind of weird looking and causes a lot of double takes from visitors. The “09” stands for 2009, as these things are supposed to be limited editions, but it with the helmet it makes him look like a football player holding a skateboard he stole from some skatepunk he beat up. Ah, nostalgia. Enlarge-o-rama. Alternate view after the jump.
Nice relief sculpture. Looks like a board from 1992.
Fireplace hearth. Now that’s atmosphere.
Couldn’t you fix the ‘shirt’ (and board for that matter) with an EPM, er, I mean SnA sticker?
See ya SNA suckers!
Now that’s mighty funny! I guess D.Y. had the last laugh.
That is so rad, I’m going to Target.
My wife got me one too. I would usually give her grief about these kinds of purchases but when there is a skateboard it is fully justifiable.
is it a functional nutcracker or is he just a poser?
What the hell?! I asked my wife for one and she said “We’ll see”…
You guys are so lucky and you don’t even know it.
All my wife does is make me breakfast,lunch, dinner,clean the house,work part time and blows me everyday when I come home. Boy, I feel like a loser.
Double pits to…walnut?
J&A, I’d trade the nutcracker for any of those things.
@Troy: ….and that, my friend,was the punchline.
I need a skateboard for this nutcracker. Can anyone help me??