There are a few of us internet skateboard nerds that have been online for a while. In my “research” I used to regularly cross paths with Hung Chang AKA Sk8Norcal and his Wackyboard site. I think it used to be a Geo Cities site, that’s how long he’s been at it. He’s contributed some tips here on S&A over the years as well. With the demise of Geo Cities, he’s moved on to a new home at Blogger.com. This is the Surf Rodz carveboard, More of a stick than a board really. This may or may not be connected to a company called Surf Rodz. Hung doesn’t usually provide a lot of extraneous information, just the damaging evidence in the form of a picture or video. Head on over to Wackyboards to get an eyeful of kooky inventions.
UPDATE: Added a video of the stickboard, courtesy of Mr. Wackyboard himself.
Hey, these things get even better. Turns out they are adjustable in length, and you ride them with ski boots. The guy in this video is riding an impossibly long setup. It reminds me of those old Lib Tech snowboards from the early 90’s, except this one is somehow more maneuverable.
Jah seeeee, I used to have the stickbooooard.
In fact,we would play stickbooard in tha streets,ya seeee, caus’uh we had no money.
We cawld it broomboard, caus’uh you fix’a broomstick- we didn’t’na have no sticks back then that was beefore sticks,see and’a coupl’a jello puddin’ cups as wheels and’a Leonard 6 joobeedoobe-skibidybop-GhostDad-ah-blowe-wowwow. Right Mushmouth?
How’ba are’ba you’ba doing’ba Biwl? Yup. Stick’ba-bawl.
thx Kilwag!
wackyboards since 2002!!
here’s the video for the ‘stickboard’
Has DaddyYo copied it, er, I mean “patented it” yet?
The Libtech Litigator was the shizniz…it handled great, providing your were going over 30mph.
This video proves that sadly, D-YO is not just a genetic aberation
Hey, that’s Wayne ‘s red shoes under his last board , hem, stick.
Really good guy, good stuff, and extraordinary creativity @ Surf-rodZ !
The guy s portrait is here: