So close, and yet so far
This little piece of perfection can be yours. All you need is $1500, and maybe 4-8 more of these because it’s only four feet wide. The best part is, it was built for BMX. Holy cow. It’s in Mokena, IL. I think that other horribly crappy ramp for sale that we featured was in Illinois too. Remember that one? I can’t find it. At least this one looks really, really well built. It has a the smell of something built by a well meaning but clueless parent. I can imagine the surprise on the kid’s face. “Gee, uh, thanks Dad.” Where else but eBay? Craig’s list, maybe.
I made an offer of $1.00, I wonder if he’ll take it?
It looks made well, especially that railing! All tricks to fakie.
finally! a ramp to learn ollie-oops on.
Emphasis on the “Oops” part.
pivots only? that thing is rad.
designed for perfecting blunts.
A 32 Foot Wide Ramp will only cost you 12K? Sign up DaddyYo!
treehouses on the ends!
Reminds me of a back yard half pipe built by a friend’s dad, a carpenter, back in ’78. It was just like that – 4ft wide, or even less – but with a foot or so of vert on it too…
Damn, a lot of work and good intention probably went into that. Looks like it has never been ridden. Somebody knew more about building then about using. This is why architects have job security.