Oregon Trifecta – Pier Park coverage
Someone complained that I was completely slacking on the Pier Park stop of the 2009 Oregon Trifecta. So here it is, coming down to the wire for 2009. Ken Fillion on the invert here. Hooray! So obviously, I let some four months go by before I got around to this, so everything is less than fresh in my mind. Fortunately I wrote the wrap up months ago. Unfortunately I didn’t write the captions until last night during a rerun of Glee. I am gay. (?)
Oops! Forgot the link. Check out the Oregon Trifecta at Pier Park.
admitting theres a problem is the first step towards recovery..
Is it just me? I don’t see a link to additional pics…
That’s a beautiful pic there bro. Not many tricks
look as good as inverts in pictures.
Nice extention on the tuck-knee. That is so proper. It feels awkward extending the tuck-knee like that for me. Sick dude, sick!
Glee is the new punk rock.
similar to Blink 187 calling themselves new punk rock?
Glee is the new Cop Rock.
gayness aside, happy new year to SNA and all the suckas leaving comments.
Dang you got some great shots. You’ve been holding out on us. Did you get any lens cleaning supplies for Christmas?
how come you didnt post my shots?..are they not good enough?
the one picture of a faceless backside air(the 23rd one), is not josh nelson, its Ken Filion.