Merry Christmas from Skate and Annoy
If I could I’d have you all over for cocktails and fudge. Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Ramadan, Kwanza, or Flying Spaghetti Day… Just be happy and enjoy yourself and your family and friends. Thanks to Rich for shooting this. He had a better shot but my beard was completely covering my face. Enlarge-o-rama.
UPDATE: MC has a video clip.
merry xmas kilwag
He probably got a hernia doing that tuck knee.
Merry Christmas to all my Skate and Annoy pals.
Merry Christmas everyone .Thanks for your support.
I’m pretty sure that’s a first. Santa doing a frontside air in MC’s bowl. Now if only we could get MAX over at the same time. Merry Christmas Team SnA!
Merry Christmas Randy. Thanks for helping me kill so much time at work.
Merry christmas & a happy new year from redneckfarm.blogg.se
check it out and Rediscovering the soul of skateboard
Santa has lost weight. He no longer has to tuck the gut to tuck the knee.
What a plane looking bowl. No sairs to carve, No DBox to get sucked into, No love seat, No super roll-in, for phuck sake you get the Man to slay the Crete and it’s a basic little baby kidney. I guess the one cool thing is it’s in your backyard and you don’t have me coming over.
I think you mean, plain, stairs, and fuck. It is a basic kidney and it does have a deathbox. Smooth as butter and it is fun as hell, or hella phun.
what kind of dick doesn’t know how to spell Plain, or Stairs and the word Fuck. For phuck sake dick get your phat ass out there and Go skate or Go Home!