bamboo mango minramp in nepal

Go to the DIY store and buy a suitable timber.

For some reason that translation made me chuckle. What work? What translation? Some German speaking guy was supposed be visiting Nepal for two years, so he made himself a miniramp. He was going to keep in his back yard until he opted for a more altruistic approach and decided to build it at a local athletic club so other people could use it. Since he was in Nepal, he couldn’t just “go to the DIY store and buy a suitable timber.” Something in the following German language sentence actually translates to “the DIY store.”

Hier in Nepal kann ich leider nicht einfach in den Baumarkt gehen und mir das passende Holz kaufen.

He made the structure out of bamboo and mango wood. I’m not sure what the top ply is though. He got an online skate shop called All You Can Skate to donate some boards for the local kids. Success! he got to skate it for a two weeks and then had to leave Nepal for some reason, he doesn’t go into the details. And it’s a slow comical process translating the web page 300 characters at a time through iGoogle. Interesting construction methods.I wish he’d gone into more detail. Just goes to prove that if you want to skate bad enough, you can figure out a way to build without letting something as simple as a lack of plywood stop your project before it gets started.

Check out the Nepal minirampe.

– Thanks to Danslash for the tip


7 thoughts on “Go to the DIY store and buy a suitable timber.

  1. That’s awesome.

  2. Hello Kilwag,

  3. Most amazing miniramp ever!

  4. GermanGuy on December 16, 2009 - Reply

    Baumarkt = DIY store, Home Depot etc.

  5. masterochicken on October 6, 2010 - Reply

    How did he he get the wood to curve that way? I’ve always wondered how to make a ramp without plywood sides.

    1. francisco on October 6, 2010 - Reply


      1. masterochicken on November 3, 2010 - Reply

        Damn. I’m pretty sure Yetis are illegal to own in California.

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