
Stephen Colbert gets r-r-radical!

Last Tuesday’s episode of the Colbert Report (November 17th) featured the segment Better Know a District, with California’s 12th which encompasses San Francisco and the headquarters of You Tube. At the end of the segment he asks Representative Jackie Speier to make a You Tube video, consisting of some skateboarding through the halls of the office building. I didn’t catch this on TV, so I can’t tell if there’s a stunt double or not, but my immediate judgement tells me Stephen has spent some time on the old stuntwood. Like I said, I didn’t get a chance to record this, but the forward thinking people at Colbert Nation have saved me the trouble of getting kicked off You Tube again by posting copyrighted material. Wathc the licensed vid after the jump, and brace yourself for an onslaught from Daddy Yo. it is San Francisco, the hotbed of left wing commie, pinko, gay… Thrashers. Lets see who can stay on topic the longest. (Tone of voice: Like a parent to his kids saying “Let’s play a game and see who can stay quiet the longest!”) Sadly, the video wasn’t actually posted on You Tube. Stephen, how long have you been skateboarding? Deign to answer us and we’ll.. I don’t know, name something after you. (and promise not to upload your EXTREME™! Mayonnaise commercial that features skateboarding.)

– Thanks to Sarib Khalsa (and his girlfriend) for the tip.


58 thoughts on “Stephen Colbert gets r-r-radical!

  1. Hey kilwag,
    I beat you to this….but,people actually visit your site, so that’s good.
    I like Colbert, so I was bummed he pushes mongo! Plus he stands like that weir slalom skier way (10 toes forward).

  2. Turn the DaddyYo filter back on.

  3. Mongo pusher

  4. Okay, if he’s even thinking about dropping the stairs, then the not-just-pushing-but-even-RIDING (back foot straight forward) mongo is probably for comic effect… not to burst y’all’s great western cool-conformity know-it-all/nothing bubble or anything.

  5. colinwalshrules on November 24, 2009 - Reply

    venture trucks and some board that looks like the simpsons 3 eyed fish… at least he isnt riding a scooter

  6. Mongo is non-conformist?

  7. That – among other things – it is. And yes, I admit to being “guilty” of it, but my back foot’s at a thirty degree angle to my knee cuz of a mistreated MCL in my yooth, so it doesn’t make much of a pushy foot. I try to make up for it by not pushy footing about western “C state” inanity. [Not that you’re a real example thereof… and not that Colorado’s as bad as the Big C.]

  8. On a not-very-related note, I vote we change the somewhat disparaging “doggy style” to (the perhaps wronger yet) “pushing mongo”. (Maybe this is a cause that Colbert should take up.)

  9. saw it last thursday – it’s him. caught me off guard as well.

  10. fester combs on November 24, 2009 - Reply


  11. its a toy machine board

  12. colinwalshrules on November 24, 2009 - Reply

    i think it is called pussy footing and not pushy footing

  13. skaterhusseindave on November 24, 2009 - Reply

    His whole part was switch until the end, so the mongo push isn’t so odd…..and RH, let’s call it pushing mongrel

  14. I watch Colbert just about every night. His shtick is a little tiresome but the writing is funny.

    Lately though, I think he is becoming a little too interested in gay politics. He might be finding out that gayness is more powerful than the Catholic Church. He seems about ready to join the Friends of Dorothy.

    From the Urban Dictionary – Mongo

    The gay way to push off in skating.

    HAHAHAHAHAHA. Look at that fag pushing mongo! What a pussy!!!

    (My God, I hope he doesn’t pick this up! I could just see a wag of the finger coming. He is a basic cable bully. That is why you never see any real challenges to his childish acting like a stereotypical conservative.)

  15. I have never lived with a TV in my adult life, so I don’t know who this Colbert guy is. my internet at home is too slow to watch any video clips. anything I type here is off the point, but I got to say, you guys are idiots!
    who cares how anyone pushes or holds their board? I’ll answer thats quetion myself, insecure people. RH, you go and skate the way you are comfortable, but look in the mirror. don’t give into social pressure from a status-quo that is ruled by 18 yr olds. if you have guilt from pushing mongo, then you truly are “pussy footing”. Ash, look around, the status quo thinks mongo is wrong,”gay”,improper, etc. so yea I’d say it’s non conformist.
    I can push both ways, and I’d be stoked to race anyone! me mongo vs. your status-quo push, and then me staus-quo pushing vs. your mongo. any distance, 50 yards or 10 miles, I will win both races!
    anyways, I try not to be judgemental twards others, but it’s hard not to write off people who have an issue with another persons style as fools.

  16. Curtis,
    I resent the fact that you used others’ comments into implying that I had the same intent. I never used the word gay. I do not use that word as a synonym for lame.

    Additionally, I was joking in both of my comments. I don’t care how people skate. Please Curtis, write me off, because you are an over-sensitive weirdo that takes a skateboard message board way too seriously.

    Hey kilwag,
    You gonna kick Daddyo off now? He is a hate-machine with nothing to offer. His homophobic shit should not fly.

  17. JAKEANDANNOY on November 25, 2009 - Reply

    No shit, maybe all his homophobia is a result of his own latent homosexuality. Gay this, fag that..thou protest too much and if I wanted to hear some old fart talk crazy I’d listen to Raleigh Theodore Sakers.

  18. Im guessing colbert focuses on the gay issues so heavily because they are the latest minority in america to be openly demonized and degraded through laws and terms used to describe them….i.e. associating the word gay with something being stupid or lame, queer meaining strange or foreign or denying them hospital visitation rights when the other partner is sick…etc. Its this same ideology that came up with the term coined to describe lazy and inferior slaves from back in the day. Personally I’m glad colbert has decided to take this on, the basis for this way of thinking is ridiculous which seams like a perfect fit for colbert.

  19. someguyatwork on November 25, 2009 - Reply

    Wonder Woman pushes mongo, which has had a chilling effect on my Linda Carter crush. YouTube that shit: wonder woman “wonder speed”


    Since you (1)”don’t know who this Colbert guy is”, and (2) did not “watch any video clips” that were the topic of this post, please go back to pushing both ways and stfu. P.S., internet = serious business.

  20. sorry to bug you guys. Ash, I was not lumpimng you in with the quotes of others, sorry you saw it that way. I was more thinking of the urban dictionary, and just goofy attitudes I have witnessed. I picked up on the humor of your comments, they were no big deal to me. but I mean come on, we got daddy yo bashing mongo as well. now if you assumed I was talking about you, when I was refering to the status quo, then that would be your problem. but on this end, I assume you are a decent person.
    ok dude with a job, I’ll refrain from commenting untill I forget how stupid I am. you should get back to work, and I should get back to personal freedom. Killwag, I never was in favor of you banning people. but just trying to stir up conflict everywhere is fully lame, sorry if I get sucked into it. I agree with banishment for DY, you can ban me to if I really am such an ass. glad you are back online though!

  21. JAKEANDANNOY on November 25, 2009 - Reply

    I was just made aware my wife works 5pm-1am tonight thru sunday,in addition to 3pm-10pm on Thanksgiving so I’ve gotta drag my kids over to the in-laws that day to distract them of their moms’ absence for the 2nd year in a row,not to mention I have weekends off and havent spent one with my wife since she started working 2 years ago. My office was hanging on the edge to see if we get the day after Thanksgiving off courtesy of our fearless/absentee leader only to get an email from his son saying we don’t and to work hard to get xmas eve off.

    I’m done with depressing shit.

    So quit whining/fighting/apologizing on this fucking thread, it’s purpose was to be funny. So lets keep things funny, and Holy Mother of Christ, thanks Randy for getting rid of Daddy-Yo, as I’ve not seen him comment in hours and I know he cant go more than a few minutes without irritating some living creature. Either that or thank God if his old ass crapped out from heart failure. Anyway, at my pitiful request since I still have 2 more hours of work and Im sober, Im asking you motherfuckers on here to come with the funny. Or your best “mongo-push” story.
    Thanks, I’m out.

  22. That Wonder Women video is great. I wish I could twirl around and be padded up like that. She is at the original Skatopia in that video, and she is pushing mongoloid style long before Blender named it that.

  23. Sk8 D – no Colbert is focusing on “the gays” (Margaret Chou reference) because he can make a buck off them. Same thing with ice skating. It’s good marketing for his show.

    Colbert is a GBLT hustler just like Jackson and Sharpton are race hustlers and Obama is a “change” hustler.

    Plus being gay is a choice that people make in order to aquire more power than they would have otherwise. For example, a gay man can have the power of his gender (men rule the world) and of a female (the power of sexual attraction to other men). Gayness is a personal and quite selfish choice (as is all of liberalism).

    So, I don’t really feel like confering any other special rights on gays to reward their selfish lifestyle. Sorry, they’ll just have to have the same rights as the straights.

    Did I say that in a mean way?

  24. It took me a while to find this information on the skatepark in the Haight district of SF.

    This is the kind of stuff I love. Old hippies who believe the freedom to express themselves trumps any other public right now shake their tie dyed shopping bags at the skateboarders.

  25. No, but your theory on gay men having more power though sexual attraction to other men is interesting because attraction has to go both ways to have any power.

    I’ve had a gay boss and my career progressed nicely.. I didn’t have to deal with his gayness in any way. He was actually a great guy to work for.

    Some of your thoughts are just sad, man. I feel bad sometimes that you live like this.

  26. Daddy Yo – First of all, on the Haight SF skatepark, you’re off topic here.

    Second, how does the NIMBY fliers illustrate your point? It’s not as if hippies invented Not In My Back Yard-ism. In fact it’s usually the stance taken by uptight conservatives.

    Third, The hippie thing with Haight was back in the 60’s. It’s been almost 50 years man I’m sure there are still a lot of hippies there, but get with the times. Unless you also subscribe to the belief that as a resident of Tennessee, you are probably a toothless inbred hillbilly. That’s a fair generalization, right?

  27. I just read your comment about how being gay is a selfish choice that gives people more power over others. That’s good stuff. A direct quote from Colbert, right? too funny. Oh wait, you’re serious? Somehow you are the victim when people “choose to be gay?” Chose to have more power by being discriminated against? OK. Fight the Power! don’t let the Big Gay Man keep you down!


  28. JAKEANDANNOY on November 26, 2009 - Reply

    Aw crap, really Randy?
    Ahem-*Monster Island

  29. JAKEANDANNOY on November 26, 2009 - Reply

    Daddy-Yo seems very honorable. Also considered to be very honorable is a practice the Japanese call “Seppuku” or otherwise known as “Harakiri”.
    He should look into that.
    Im not saying Daddy-Yo should plunge a sword into his gut and disembowel himself out of shame,Im just saying I’d understand.

    Happy Thanksgiving Y’all

  30. go easy Jake he did take your last coment seriously, and came with some funny shit. oops, forgot, I’m trying not to comment.

  31. Randy, I’m envisioning a special “Mortville” section of your site where the Daddy Yo and Steve Bacons of the world can live together without facing the constant condemnation of fellow web surfers.

  32. kilwag – Yes the NIMBYism of the SF old hippies is exactly the “irony” I was pointing. It would be irony if you believed the SF hippies were ever “open minded” and believed everyone should “do their own thing(s)”.

    They didn’t. They believed they should do their thing and you should let them. Again, it is just selfishness hidded as altruism. It is the liberals reason for being.

    As far as you regional prejudises go, it sound like you need to travel a little bit outside of the north west. I’ve been to SF. Have you been to Nashville?

    If you looked at any statisical anaylsis I think you might see that the poulation of Nashville and SF have eqaul numbers of shoe wearers, access to quality dental services and incidences of incestual relationships.

    I’m sure you would find more children of unweb unions in SF so I am sure there are many more bastards in SF then in Nashville.

    Perhaps you should also realize the difference between a national reputation that is earned with pride (do you think SF denies their liberalism or celebrates it?)and a reputation that is confered through prejudises.

    Of course, being a liberal yourself, you see no contradiction in your prejudises. Remember, prejudise is just ignorance.

    I think it is you that needs to become less provential and realise that, in modern times, it is the spread of liberalism (from it’s beginnings in SF) is what has caused the degradation of society for the part 40 years.

  33. Carl Says: “……. because attraction has to go both ways to have any power.”

    No it doesn’t. I am attracted to Nichole Kidman and would do anything she asked me to do. She has power over me. I’m sure she is not attracted to me and would do nothing I asked her to do.

    The gays are the richest group of any group in this country. How can they be so oppressed and still have so much money? Sure is is a selfish lfiestyle so the money is easily had. But it is hard to oppress the wealthy since wealth equals power.

    I don’t feel inclinded to get more power to a group that selfishly grabs power for themselves and contributes little to the success of society.

    All liberals have is the stupid civil rights conscienousness that they try to apply to everything to assuage their guilt at being white and act all holy-than-thou.

    Jeez, get over it already. Nobody cares anymore.

  34. I never said I was the victim of anyone or that anyone was keeping me down.

    That’s what the gays say as they pay the check for there $300 dinner and get in the Lexus to drive to their million dollar five bedroom home they share with their thousand dollar dog.

  35. I’m tellin’ ya, Kilwag, he won’t have to face any “prejudise” or false “alterism” in Mortville…

  36. JAKEANDANNOY on November 27, 2009 - Reply

    “The gays are the richest group of any group in this country”. Holy Shit that’s funny. On so many levels.
    I dare to indulge ignorance further, but, every homosexual on earth now is part of some organized group? A coup against the straights?
    That are also,apparently better funded than-I just gotta stop right there- I mean,I’ve heard the tired “Jews run Hollywood” crap but this “Gays have all the money” stuff is awesome. Tell me more. About this laugh-out-loud stupid theory of yours.
    All gays are selfish and rich,do they have a headquarters?
    An underground lair?
    This is the same illuminati group that dances the streets of Brazil in pink speedo to celebrate their opulent lifestyle? Is there a figurehead,a svengali gay,rubbing his/her gay little hands together conspiring to take more money from the straight community? Do tell.
    What the queers are doing to our soil.

  37. Gnarles Copinghagen on November 27, 2009 - Reply

    Hey guys! I skated hard today! Wait, is this still a skate related site? Whatever. I ripped it hard. 4 days so far this week. Soon to be 5 days. Go skate! It’s better for your soul then all this bitching. You guys do skate right?

  38. JAKEANDANNOY on November 27, 2009 - Reply

    Rad. No, I’m terribly obese. I even have a special keyboard with XXXL keys for my rotund fingers. And the diabetes keeps me from skating as much as I’d like.
    And since I’ve focused more on my computer and tevo activities for the last couple years my skin is sensitive to sunny days. But I did play “Mike V or Die” new iphone game and worked up a pretty good sweat.

  39. Jake is an unfunny version of Stephen Colbert. Or maybe he really dumb enough to think that statistical groups actualy have head quarters.

    That wasn’t even a good try.

  40. I am a skateboarder on November 27, 2009 - Reply

    Get a room.

  41. JAKEANDANNOY on November 27, 2009 - Reply

    Chillax DaddYo,bro. Man, its all good. What were we talking about…uhh..??? Oh, “unweb unions”. See I hate those too man. You and me we’re the same. We should share wine cooler some time, bro.

  42. JAKEANDANNOY on November 27, 2009 - Reply

    Boones Farm, that’s in Tennessee right?

  43. I don’t know about banning Daddy Yo, he provides such good comic relief. It is amazing that someone that dumb can even type.

    Anyway, Daddy Yo, I really think that now is no time to be alienating the gays. With the economy in the state it’s in we need them and their money now more than ever. Also, the republican leadership is facing enough challenges without having to deal criticism from you.

    Considering the job market though, it’s probably a good idea to be aware of all the options out there. How does this whole gay thing work? Once you are wrangling ass on a regular basis, how long before the checks start coming in? Do you have to register somewhere? Are the funds allocated according to seniority, level of gayness, flamboyancy? Whats the deal?

  44. JAKEANDANNOY on November 27, 2009 - Reply

    They use gay dollars. They have got their own currency man!

  45. Jake and SSK – thanks for daily illustrating my point. (Most) Skateboarders are liberals. Liberals are too stupid to vote.

  46. if liberals don’t vote, then who elected Obama? there is no convincing you of anything.
    you made that most “skateboarders are liberal” comment last year. most skateboarders are actually children too young to vote, who have not formed their own opinions yet. I’m kinda certain I wrote that same comment in response to your same comment this time last year.
    conservative republican types seem to think everyone that is not like them are “liberals”. it’s a big world, there are more flavors than coke and pepsi. hell, there are even gay republicans.
    and for the record, conservatives do not want the people to vote. but liberals will guilt trip the hell out of you if you don’t vote.

  47. colinwalshdoesntrule on November 28, 2009 - Reply

    Re earlier cwr comment: Next you’ll be trying to tell me that Salt’N’Pepa wasn’t singing “Pussy real good….” (Hey, it’s remotely related to Mongo, which is more on topic than some of these.)

  48. JAKEANDANNOY on November 28, 2009 - Reply

    I got some shit I’m conservative about, and I got some shit I’m liberal about.-Chris Rock

  49. Ryan Heckler on November 28, 2009 - Reply

    then there is the shit I wish I could just flush away, Daddyyo

  50. JAKEANDANNOY on November 28, 2009 - Reply

    Haha..ahh..DaddyYo, look man either don’t go off your med’s or try to relax with some weed.
    You’re clearly pissed or at least disenfranchised with your life.
    Maybe it’s cause some 12 year old can ollie a 10 stair and you never got the basics so all you can do is pretend ollie by jumping on something you’re strapped into.(It’s really not the same)
    Maybe your unbridled anger supersedes your typing skills because nothing is going right for you in life and no one understands what is happening to “your America”.
    Anyway I suggest more fiber in your diet maybe…
    I mean, Obama is President..I didn’t vote for him…but I can act like a big boy and not cry about to everyone..on message boards.
    You tie everything in with your political agenda and every comment is an opportunity for you to vomit your political rhetoric-I can’t remember your last non-political post. Maybe last year?
    Everything’s not a victory and it doesn’t have to be. Maybe people listen to you somewhere…stick with that. Try dignity. It’s much better.
    I guess that’s something your parents were supposed to teach you. I’m sorry about that buddy.
    Anyway if you really believe half the stuff you spew, do something. Be pro-active and put your energy into political change.
    Write the President a big long letter or something
    (no threats or violence,they are soooo uptight about that shit)
    But you just can’t fix anything doing what your doing. And it’s so bizarre I have my doubts you act like you do to everyone. Like in public, or co-workers, or your family..I just can’t wrap my head around the idea that you found people to put up with “DaddyYo” full time. And I may be an unfunny Colbert, but when I do get a laugh, it’s intentional. And I’m a pretty funny Richard Pryor. You just can’t tell from my posts.

  51. Ghost of Richard Pryor on November 28, 2009 - Reply

    Man, you tell em’ Jake. You are a damn funny me.
    And a handsome lil’ whiteboy too.
    Sorry to get off topic Randy, my man, I had to speak on that.

  52. I am whats wrong with the world. on November 28, 2009 - Reply

    That last post by JAKEANDANNOY was pretty good, well reasoned and to the point(funny to). The posts by daddy yo still seem like the ranting and ravings of a confused and bitter man. I am sorry that is just how it seems to me. I really have no desire to air my political views in this forum. My view on skateboarding is more lines, more tricks and go faster.

  53. Nicole Kidman on November 28, 2009 - Reply

    DaddyYo I just heard that you are attryycted to me and wiyel do anyfing I say. I would lyke you to forget abbite these silly skyteboarders for good, and go on a walkabout. Y’know rediscovah yeself wif yer strap-on board mate. And stop faintesyzing about my pale,bony, boday.
    L, Nicole

  54. I hurt my knee and don’t want to talk about skateboarding. I want to talk about the difference between liberal gays and conservatives who can’t live with the way god made them,oops I mean with the sexual orientation they chose. Liberal gays celebrate their queerness;they chose to be gay so they could wear pink speedos and have parades in their leather chaps and have contests to see who can fool more straight men by dressing as women and stuff. Conservative gays tend towards being evangelical ministers who rant against their own kind (Ted Haggard),or politicians who legislate against themselves while they seek out anonymous encounters in public restrooms (Larry Craig)…it seems there’s a bit more self-hatred among conservatives who’ve chosen to be homosexual – just look at the Log Cabin Republicans- otherwise “normal” homos who arrange flowers or do hair for a living, yet vote for the party that regularly calls them EVIL and does everything possible to prevent them from getting equal treatment under the law. Yet SOME people think they have it good. If you’re gay in the middle east conservative religionists will kill you just like in Oklahoma…in Uganda you get life in prison for gayness and a prominent christian is trying to change it to the death penalty. Listen miss daddy thing, viewing the history of being queer on planet earth, your life must be pretty bad if you view this group as being rich and powerful.

  55. JAKEANDANNOY on November 28, 2009 - Reply

    Ahh..actually went skating for awhile..whats that?
    Oh right, skateboarding. That shit.
    I like I.A.W.W.W.T.W’s last line.Go faster.Pedal Faster, I hear DaddyYo.

  56. You bore me now.

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