hard waves soft wheels

Return of Saturday Starrs – Hard Waves, Soft Wheels 1977

All hail the return of Saturday Starrs, as well you should. Scott Starr is the ultimate skateboard film historian. He covers the surfing world too, but that’s not for me to judge. Here’s another piece of history that would most likely had been lost to the ages were it not for Scott’s diligence. It’s the opening sequence from a 1977 East Coast skateboarding and surfing film titled Hard Waves, Soft Wheels. Scott’s YouTube channels keep getting shut down, and so a lot of the embedded videos stop working. I’ve gone back and re-populated the ones that he’s uploaded again, in case you are in the mood. It’s like the third or fourth time that I’ve had to do this. We’ll see how long it lasts again. Awesome period piece music in this sequence.

UPDATE: I had the wrong video embedded, but it’s fixed now. If you are jonesing for that Captain Kangaroo appearance, it’s over here.


8 thoughts on “Return of Saturday Starrs – Hard Waves, Soft Wheels 1977

  1. someguyatwork on November 28, 2009 - Reply

    I’ll never hear Drunken Sailor the same way again.

  2. Is that Jhonny Rad. No wonder the kids of today are so lame they have everything. Nothing is hard to find no drive required.

  3. Dude this is not soft wheels it the captin which I enjoyed.

  4. Yeah Scott Starr!!!

  5. Man, I thought for sure that the girl who got out of that car was going to be axe murdered.

  6. BJJPDX/Tom on November 28, 2009 - Reply

    sweet vid

  7. how much we have progressed since then.

  8. High Quality indeed.

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