Trendependent and Conscience
I can’t remember which one I saw first, the Trendependent t-shirt (I don’t skate, I’m just a kook.) or the Conscience Sakteboards parody of the World Industries Rocco/ Winnie the Pooh board. Wish I could find a picture of that now. It may not seem like much now, but at the time it was pretty topical. Think back to the beginnings of the industry shift to Chinese manufacturing facilities. I almost bought one of those boards. I came close to pulling the trigger on one of those Trendependent shirts too, but never followed through when they actually became available. I think it was one of those things on Concrete Disciples where he took vague pre-orders. “Hey, who wants one of these when I print them up?” And when they were available I was broke. Both of these parodies were the brainchild of Jesse Geboy. I guess Jesse eventually ran afoul of Independent’s lawyers. Check out a profile of Jesse done by Dave Carnie over at King Shit. Hey Jesse, how’s it going? I thnk it’s been about five years since we conversed. Midwest Uber Alles!
– Thanks to Luke Leonard for the tip.
I got my hands on one of those shirts. Always gets a double take.
Indy is so zummiez it pukeable.
I have one, and I skate, independents even… guess that makes me a dweeb…
Looks like a parody. Too bad he gave up.
Jesse had them for sale over at the overweight-midlife-crisis-holy-shit-i-must-collect-all-of-them-NOS-Visions collector forum. Someone gave Salba one and it made a cover of some hippieboarding mag.. concrete wave i think. i have 2 and wear them with pride. Say no to Chindys
I got one of those “kook” trendy shirts, and another, more subtle one that just says “trendependent” across the front pretty much identical to the normal independent font/design thing. I gotta wear that shit more.
bobcat, give it up on the S&B bashing already. Move on man, for chrissakes.
nope suck my asshole!
Indy’s cooo! Me rikey stabeerity! Durabreerity! You roundeye not know good sing when stawring at you! You G.I asshowl! Try burn down my viwage! Go to hell!
I love indies but I love that shirt more!!!
Indies are rad, especially if you get some aftermarket bushings, then they really do turn
I always put in the bones bushings in my indys. I would feel weird wearing that shirt too ironic. I do skate often. weather or not I am a kook well thats someone elses opinion. probably?! It is a cool shirt though. I see lots of people wearing independent shirts that probably dont skate.
I love men.
Have any of you guys seen the “Dependent on HIM” shirt? They look just like Indy shirts, same font, etc. except they are some born again Christian bullshit.
bobcat, you forgot “stoner” in your description
As someone who played a part in another short lived run of those kook shirts (not affiliated with Conscience/Trendependent), I’m really getting a kick out of these replies.
…Hey jesse, that was an awesome idea you had. Props for the idea, it’s an instant classic.
Grover, 2 yrs ago I needed some 169’s. I went on a road trip to california. I could not find the 169’s in WA or Or, I finally got some in Mariposa Ca. before that though, I got to the point where I was “fuck it I’ll go to Zumies”. they told me they don’t carry Indy’s.