Poweredge is back
Lately I’ve been reading the new issue of Poweredge magazine during my breaks at work instead of geeking out on my iPhone. It’s been a pretty good read, actually. The art direction, although definitely reminiscent of the old magazine at times, feels a bit unfocused. I am enjoying the content, with the exception of the CAPS LOCK USED IN SOME OF THE ARTICLES. IT MAKES IT HARD TO READ. Poweredge will be coming out four times a year. This issue, the first since 1992 or so is 120 pages (in color) and features Mike Vallely, Mike Smith, Sean Sheffey, Jake Brown, Dayne Brummet, Alec Beck and more. There is a generous helping of old photos in with the new. There are supposed to be multiple covers, but this is what mine looks like. Strange choice for a first cover, but I’m stoked that Poweredge is back. I was a subscriber the first time around. I found it a good mix of Thrasher and Transworld. Nowadays I’m not sure where it would fall in the spectrum of skateboard magazines, but I’m rooting for it for sure. Where can you get yours? At select skate shops and newsstands. You might have to do some hunting until they get the distribution channels sorted out. Barring that, you can subscribe too. Poweredge is supposed to be launching a new web site any day now.
I’m pretty sure I still have a Poweredge sweatshirt I bought from The Turf, way way back. By breaking that out, would I have missed the ‘cool’ window now that they are back? Or perhaps I would be on the forefront of supporting the comeback. Either way, I’m digging that out.
I still have Poweredge #1 and many others in my arsenal of skate/snow mags that are in storage.
features Mike Vallely, Mike Smith, Sean Sheffey, Jake Brown, Dayne Brummet…the latest issue sounds like its still in 1992
Glad it’s back even more so now that Concussion is gone.