Old Guys: Still skating
Yet another news story about people past their 30’s who are still skating. And hey, another private indoor skate spot with a key club. (Remember P.I.S.S.?) All in all, not so noteworthy, except some readers might remember Midwest skater Eric Froland, who is one of the members. Somewhere I’ve got a couple shots of Eric skating the vert ramp at Milwaukee’s Summerfest, circa… I don’t remember exactly, but Freaky Styley was playing over the loudspeakers. I don’t think that’s Eric in the shot above. Check out The Hiawatha: Secret skatepark of local board legends on Citypages.
– Thanks to Bob Mechtly for the tip.
“Skatin’ or hatin’?” Def. gonna poach that… cool story. (lots o’ flowery writin’ though…)
I get chills….being so lucky as to be able to still ride at 47. I used to be(still am)so in awe of watching Woody going 6,7,8 feet out when we’d see each other once a year or so at a contest.I never could do that, but now my knees are still working,and I suspect that’s why…there’re compromises everywhere, some we choose,some forced on us.
i skated hiawatha last night.
good group of guys, chill atmosphere…
steve nesser, justin lynch, seth mccullum, mike haugen all there…
just killing it, of course.
that article was pretty lame though.
the same writer did a “top 5 skate videos” which was actually just a couple of xgames clips, and the powell “love of gliding” vid of dan gessmer. dude calls gessmer a douche, and gessmer shows up in the comments and challenges the writer to come out to boulder to talk shit.
i was fucking dying over that.
that’s half pipe joe in the pic up there.
he’s quite the ripper, and has put in a lot of time for the scene.
i don’t know if it’s the same spot, but nesser and mccullum and some other dudes had a indoor spot next to my friends’ blacksmithing warehouse space. last time i was in mpls (2 or 3 years ago), i went by a couple times, but never met up with anyone.
Hootenany, in “E”
The 90s were a rough time for some of us. Mad props to my boy Bustin’ Justin tho. 2 ligit II kwit!
I skated this last Thursday and Friday. It’s been a work in progress for the last year, but just became complete-ish. So, so good. My friend Bill from the Rockford, IL area is the one with his name on the lease. Jay Jensen, John Muldune and several others were ripping so hard, fun to watch, even better to skate. I was told Froland hadn’t skated in 15 years, but still builds ramps. That was the best thing i’ve skated in years, if not ever. Thanks so much to everyone at The Hiawatha.
i skated a bowl froland built every friday and he joined for a couple runs once or twice. dudes old and still did this transfer air in the bowl i have dreamed of seeing since i first saw the bowl.
I just spent 2 weeks out there – not skating anything – then I hear about this thing last week, after I got back to Oregon.
Any Dave LeRoux sightings there?
LeRoux fucking ripped circa ’91-’92. 30 trick lines.
9′ high and nollie into anything… where is he now?
I build parks with Eric Froland. We’re gonna try and burn some old VHS tapes to DVD of him and others like Justin Lynch, Dave LeRoux, etc.from that era. Justin is skating again, Eric hasn’t skated in many years, and I don’t think LeRoux has been skating… But I know they do some fishing once in a while.
I am a Hiawatha keyholder (and its builder) if you are in town and want to get an in to the ramp, email me:
It’ll cost ya a 12’er or a bag or any dough you could cough up to help pay for materials.
If you cool, we cool!
Speaking of LeRoux…. The first time I Went to Skatopia, Brewce Martin, Owner, was totally suprised by my visit on thanksgiving. There was no party or work goin on,we just stopped by.
Brewce said, “Minnesota??? Your from Minnesota??? I cant remember the last guy that came from Minnesota, the only guy I know from Minnesota is Dave LeRoux! Tell him I said hi.” If brewce knows him he must be alright! I skated with Leroux a few times at 3rd about 3-5 years ago. I heard people saying he was “getting back in”. I’ve always had a huge respect for time and history so I dig hanging with these old guys even though they are assholes.! Tell me the Legends of Long Ago Old Timer!