Big night (Tonight!) for Benton County skaters
The BCSA CIP proposal presentation to the City’s Parks, Natural Areas, & Recreation board (PNARB) is going down tonight at the Downtown Fire Department @ 6:30.
The PNARB will be voting on whether the BCSA’s skate park improvement project should be on the Corvallis’ Capital Improvement Program list (the City’s “do” list for projects).
Its an important night. If we get voted in, we still have to be voted in by the CIP commission and City Counsel.
Show up tonight if you can to support the BCSA.
Show up to the first of a series of City board meetings that will
be voting on the BCSA’s Capital Improvement Program
proposal for improvements to the Eric Scott McKinley skate
park; the Parks, Natural Areas, and Recreation Board (PNARB)
We need skaters, and family and friends of skaters, to show up.
When: Thursday Night August 20, 2009 6:30 pm
Where: Downtown Corvallis Fire Station
400 NW Harrison Blvd
Contact the BCSA for more info: bcskateboardingalliance@gmail.com
Benton County Skateboarding Alliance Inc, an Oregon non-profit corporation
Someone mentioned to me the other day that the rendering is Butter Bowl with stairs.
Looks pretty close.
there’s only so many pool shapes – its cool
I kicked down a print of my beer photography for an auction down there. Anyone know if it sold?
Thanks for the post Kilwag. Ryan is right, our planned expansion of the Corvallis Skatepark passed its first real hurdle with a yes vote at last nights meeting. The parks board gave us some very positive feedback. The next hurdle will be a vote of the CIP commission in early November and that is suppose to be the most significant of the approvals we will need to actually put the bowl in the ground.
We do not have any major corporate sponsors yet so if your company is interested in having a bowl in its name please let us know.
Chad, we had twice as much art as our first year event but sales did not met our expectations due to the economy (you were up against some stiff competition). That means we have all of your photos so please let us know if you want them back or if you want us to put them up for our next event.