Yes, wood on concrete
ESPN has a picture of the wooden framed concrete shell skatepark being constructed for the X Games. While I find the process fascinating, I’m a little bit disgusted by sheer wastefulness. But hey, global warming is a hoax and this whole “green thing” is just a fad. At least the street elements in the Maloof cup could be relocated and reused. Still, I’m craving more pictures of the process, and dying to know how it rides. Check it out.
Thanks Brian Baade for the tip.
I heard from someone who was there that they were already jackhammering that Maloof stuff on Monday. Next year they might try to find a home for it. Word was they built it with lower grade ‘crete and no rebar since it was temporary.
fuckin xgames assholes, “we support skateboarding so much we want to spend a shitload of money to replicate a real concrete park, with actual concrete,oh, and fuck the kids who give us their money cause were just gonna demolish the dream and leave you with a feeling of emptiness and longing”
I heard the coping was made out of baby polar bear bones.
Y’know sadly the xgames are now older than the average skater.
Can you imagine having grown up with this shit?
Hard not to have a douche bag sense of entitlement.
Seriously! Are we (internet commenting and blogging) the only ones shouting this? How is it that no one in the industry can get through to these idiots?? Hell, even the freakin’ wood structures of past should be DONATED to some small town. (Then all they have to build is a nice roof/pavillion. MUCH cheaper than a whole park.) Can they not see the goodwill and killer PR this would generate!? WTF? California Skateparks can’t point this shit out to anyone?
It reminds me of nothing so much as a paper-mulch egg carton that got plastered.
If someone does a big lien to tail and cracks the paper mache will candy fall out?
what a waste…can’t they ship it to Massachusetts?
Anyone know who do we need to email to ask them to leave behind something permanent next time? Lets send them a little feedback.
yes, send your emails to fatchance@whenpigsfly.com