Note to Tumyeto (and others…)
Your reviews are coming. I’ve been working on a new back end to present our product reviews, and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Back populating the the old reviews has been taking a lot longer than I thought, and it’s finally made me realize how much static HTML can suck, especially when it’s really old and poorly formatted! That’s Danimal above riding a Toy Machine Billy Marks Fiberprime deck. I’ve got Atomic Wheels, Tarantula Trucks, Dekline shoes, and a host of other, long, long overdue reviews.
Toy Machine requires that their riders be vegan, which makes me very worried about the structural integrity of the boards.
How can vegans drink beer, since yeast is a living organism?
HAHA, this made my day.
Toy Machine boards need to be strong as veganism, contrary to popular belief, can indeed, encourage weight gain. See The Tempster’s gut progress over the years- (and it is not the result of beer consumption and parenthood, as it is with the rest of us.)