Flatland wizardry out of nowhere
There is some insane footwork in this video. Street skating, straight up freestyle, and several points in between. For instance, the guy doing the handstand fingerflip in the shot above actually ollied on to the top of that pole to get there. Think Natas spin without the spin, and then a departure. I guess kids are out ther getting stoked on old Rodney Mullen videos, and then taking it from there. These guys have got technical skills out the wazoo, but my desire to worship at the altar of their talent is severely tempered by the same geek vibe that hampered freestyle in the 80’s. In this case it’s the cheesy sense of vintage freestyle in their choice of soundtracks. Sick skating though. Check it out after the jump.
– Thanks to Eric Cherry for the tip.
Not bad for a bunch of KY rednecks huh? (I recognized the venues, not the skaters.) But yep, the music sucks. (It’s apparently from Super Mario Bros. ??) And I’ll give them all of the freestyle stuff as sick, except for the crosslegged shit. That smacks of fruitbootin’.
I dunno, I thought the music was – though, perhaps, unfortunately – unpretentious. Would a gnar soundtrack have made the skating gnar instead of tech? At least they’re not being pied pipers.
Gnar, schmar. The soundtrack reminded me of magicians.
Kudos to those guys for doing their own thing.
Mexico gets it right: Rudis versus Tecnicos. And gee, if our misbegotten wrestling has a misbegotten straight-edge character, CCM Punk, (or whatever his name is), can’t they come up with a misbegotten skateboard character? Any suggestions? (Only problem is, it might actually kill other wrestlers when he hit them with a truck-gripped skateboard instead of a chair… cuz I’ve actually heard of that twice in Florida alone… once because an older guy had given someone’s younger brother cigarettes.)
And hey, I don’t know nothin’ ’bout birthin’ computers, but I just got a security message that said “Autoprotect has blocked Download”, risk high… does this mean you’re still infected?
it was good.
weird to recognize a bunch of spots from my hometown and surrounding area in that video.
i’m w/ nik, sickness except for the stuff they land cross-legged. that seems a little bit like skancing to me which, if you don’t know about consider yourself lucky.
I respect street skating, but this slow tech stuff is so boring to watch. I’d rather see a guy haul ass and flip his board once off of something then watch people skate so slow. I love street skating, but extreme freestyle, not so much. (Unless you can do it fast!) I guess the soundtrack matched the skating for me.
It was fun for about a minute or two. Some talented
guys, but if I don’t ever see a primo-slide again it
might be too soon. Man, they just killed it for me.
Seems like the music was probably a joke. I’ve never seen anyone do a primo kickturn. I have no idea what some of the stuff they did even was. Crazy.
some good stuff there.. better yet if’n they’d do it down big hills…’specially that cross footed landing crap.