Concrete covered wood?
I’ve been hearing some rumblings about the new X Games Skateboard Park Course. It supposed to be concrete, and temporary, which are two things that sound like they are at odds. The street course at the Maloof Cup might have been made using prefab elements that can be disassembled and reused elsewhere, but will the same thing work on a bowl complex? The real interesting thing is that I’ve heard rumors that the X Games course will be made from concrete poured over a wood frame and/or styrofoam combo. Styrofoam in a skatepark construction is nothing new – (See here and here) It’s been used in the soon to open (already open?) Seattle SeaSk8 replacement, mainly for it’s lightweight benefits. The new location is on top of some underground elements of Seattle Center. Again, these are rumors, I haven’t been able to corroborate them, but concrete over a wood frame… puzzling. OK readers, who is connected? What’s really going on?
is that rendering this year’s ‘bowl’ or a new level in the next Tony Hawk game?
We spoke with Brian Harper from California Ramp Works yesterday at the Maloof Money Cup and he told us that the X Games Super Park will be concrete over wood with Skatelite on the decks.
He didn’t go into exactly how they were going to make that happen, but that is what they’re doing.
looks like a half-ass attempt at recreating Orcas Islands hot wheel stuntboard track
Such a waste! They really should have these events in places where they can leave behind what they build. Wouldn’t that turn most of the expense into a tax deductible donation too? Cities might even cut them deals to attract them. What better way to give back and support “xtreme sports”?
maloof greed cup built a concrete course as well then promptly jackhammered it up.
Doesn’t this sound like the worst of both worlds? Temporary concrete curves over difficult to construct wood contours sounds like a nightmare.
Is the idea to use pool plaster and hope the thing lasts the week of camera time?
THE ISSUE: It is that the builder that happens to be a bunch of bikers can not make a proper wooden bowl with smooth curves out of wood for skateboarders, Mixed with a shitty marketing attempt by ESPN at catching up with the concrete application at the Maloof event with california skate parks.
These big wheeled bikers suck, dont understand skateboarding and they hire skaters builders that also suck too.
They need to bring Team Pain back so that they can build a proper SKATEBOARDING bowl out of wood and be done with the cheese attempt.
They still have the X-Games?