Bobcat Bobcat Bobcat interview today
He’s Bobcat! (Cue theme song.) Master of Sleestak, unicorn-lover, Seattle scenester and magick DJ. He’s being interviewed byJohn Doe Zine tomorrow at 5pm Pacific tomorrow (7-22-09), and you can call in to listen live. Get the details over here. John Doe zine has been doing a lot of these call-in phone interviews. It’s intriguing, and with Bobcat on the line, I’m going to check it out. If you want more I’ve got a stream of consciousness history of Seattle skateboarding coming up soon.
Never met the guy, but dang are Bobcat and Kilwag twins??
Bobcat is like 5 ft taller
He does look like me in this still.
(He looks like me and nit vice versa cause I’m older)
There are interesting parallels between Kilwag and Bobcat… never thought about that before. Each sticks a finely sharpened and deeply cynical knife into the gut of pop culture. Regardless of whether you agree with the editorial views, you gotta love their blunt honesty.
this should be fun. i’m freakin still drunk from birthday shenanigans last night!