Steve Caballero wants you…
…to vote for his entry in this Vans logo contest. If he wins, he promises to donate his $5000 prize to a children’s orphanage in Ghanna, Africa. Hang on, aren’t all orphanages for children? I can’t verify that he actually sent me the email, so maybe I’m the victim of an Internet hoax… In any case, here’s the link, click in the little box next to Steve’s name to vote for him.
The email I got asking was from his real Skate-One (Powell) account, so its either him or an agent.
I voted for Tum Yeto’s artist and Portland local Bwana Spoons! Cab has enough to win already……..
Well.. Bwana Spoons shoulda emailed me first!
Wow. Caballero’s art was great. I appreciate his charity. The rest of the artwork was great too. I liked Eric Elms the most. It looks like he had the most fun making his creation!
neckface is the man
Ghana, one “n”
There are a few I like better than Cab’s, but I like Rowley’s the best. Plus, right now I feel bummed out on how much cash we send out of the country. Yeah, it’s a nice and all, but aren’t there some orphanages here that could use a donation?
i would not vote for cabs because chances are he will be shoving christianity down the throats of ghannian orphans. cab is alright but he needs to lay off his jesus agenda
maybe it was the mumbler who made the ad that sent you the email….either way blaine fontana has the best original. cabs just has spark plug stencils in the background.
it has dirtbikes in the backround, that is not skateboarding, might as well put scooters back there.