One guy, five ditches in northern Virginia
John Egertson sent in some pictures his friend Mike Alexander took of a day’s worth of ditch sessions in northern Virginia. While I certainly appreciate the photos, John and Mike could use an extra body or two in their crew. At the very least, John needs to pick up that camera every once and a while! Hey look, I spelled “Virginia” right this time!
Lizard ditch.
Duck pond ditch.
Bike path ditch.
Ashburn’s big ditch. Is there a little one too?
Ditches are forever….
that looks like a really fun session
looks like franconia ditch. Been there done that.
we rode franconia (fleet street)as far back as about 1980. None of these are franconia, but they’re very similar…
I miss ditches.
where is duck pond located and which ditch is that in Ashburn I used to live right their.
Those ditches look beautiful! I can’t find any like that in my town.
Franconia Ditch was EPIC! The first guy to take me there was Neil Hughes. Anyone know Neil Hughes? I’d love to get back in touch with him. He was such a ripper, and had a sick half pipe in Annandale.
DOn’t know Neil but there was a Sprinfield ramp too in someone’s back yard. He had pet rabbits.
Ramp sounds like Tommy Meiklejohn’s. Skated it and the Franconia ditch. Springfield VA…world’s largest parking lot.
The Springfield ramp was called Rabbit Ranch and Bob Umble skated that regularly before Cedar Crest.
Hi! Skating Charlottesville Skatepark mostly. But planning a trip to ditch skate Nova.
can you please email me? my email is thewylemming@gmail.com
Neil is my husband. He was out in Cali and Utah for years, but we recently moved back to VA. Feel free to get in touch! Gag01001 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I found the target ditch but i have no idea how to get to the others… i live in springfield so i’de love to go to the franconia ditch but no1 ive talked to knows where it is… help please?
Look in Franconia Google Earth and search visually from a decent height.
Jimi. Dude ! Franconia ditch is in between Flat rock rd, Yadkin ct, China grove ct., Deer gap ct. etc.
I need to find the Lizard Ditch featured in one of the above images. How do I get there ?
Somebody Help !
someone pleeeease help me find the lizard ditch! it looks so gnarly
Need help in NOVA I’d like to find some more ditches that are rideable. I know of Franconia anyone point me in the directions of others?
Hey gents,
Need some serious help finding a ditch in Falls Church, VA. Used to skate it 20 years ago. It was somewhere off of “Pimmitt Rd” , off of Rt 7, before Tysons. It had high walls and was perfect. I found a smaller ditch in the area w/ water in it, for about 1/2 mile. Want to take my kids ditch skating.. any help is appreciated!
I went to that ditch many years ago. Was never dry anytime I went there. There is the smaller ditch that ran behind peoples houses. But there was a park nearby if you walked down the entrance path you could take a very short hike through the woods to the right to get to the larger ditch. Don’t know the names of the road, but I am sure you can Google what parks are in that area.
Me and my buds used to skate a gnarly ditch off Braddock Road in the Annandale area. A stones throw from Wakefield park. It was next to a high rise business building. We called it Wallows after seeing Animal Chin. Was a small ditch and fast. You had to carve quick around unlevel parts of the Crete. Got demolished when they expanded 495. Thinking about it, I think ravensworth was the name of the road.
Found a huge ditch on google earth. Looks like its right of the w&od in ashburn. Right where Ashburn Village Blvd crosses the bike trail.
Land on street view at 43912 Tavern Drive. The house with the grey soccer mom people carrier and the red Mustang. to the left of it is a little tarmac path. If you zoom in, you can catch a glimpse of the end of the ditch.
This is Neil Hughes. I am driving around Alexandria today and happy to see this thread! Loved the ditch up by Landsdowne too. Looking forward to skating these new spots and sad about Ravensworth. This is a killer ditch in Annadale that is just like the upper snake run in Landsedown between Ivernton Road and Briarwood CT. It is not ever wet and perfect incline.
Neil, do you have any photos of the Annandale ditch?