Per Welinder reference or coincidence?
Episode 21 of season 20 of the Simpsons, titled “Coming to Homerica” aired last Sunday night. I didn’t catch it, but fortunately Jake Ferranti, AKA Jakeandannoy tipped me off. About 10 minutes into the episode on Norwegian immigrant paranoia, Bart and Milhouse encounter some Ogdenville skaters of Norwegian descent. Jake thought this might have been a tip of the hat to Per Welinder, but Per is from Sweden, so who knows. Maybe it was a nod to the European ski jumpers and not freestylers.
Watch the relevant segement on Hulu while you can. They don’t keep these episodes up indefinitely.
Some stills from the sequence.
“Minnesota Vikings apparel? This is Tennessee Titans country!”
Heroic music… But the previous gains in realism are going out the window.
“Step aside Nor-wads. Watch how the natives ride sky.”
I haven’t seen this move since that old video game from the 90’s. You could do spinning head stands on the vert ramp. Anyone remember what game that was?
Sketchy landing, but he sticks it.
Throw in a couple hippie jump variations.
Getting ready to start the victory dance…
heh,heh,thanks Kilwag.
some say this show has jumped the shark and i would argue that its a ledge, not a shark.
oh man, i need alcohol to be funny.
anyway i mainly got the per welinder reference from the ending scene w/more freestyle and bart’s perpetual 360 wheelie. unlike my life,i will never be sick of this show.
I was watching that one, and I have to admit that I got a little bit excited when they were skating. I grew up with Bart (which would make him almost thirty in real years?), and there’s still a little bit of the Bartman inside me that wants to spraypaint the school, moon the passerby, and try to make the Springfield Gorge gap. I could go for a cold Duff’s right now.
That’s funny Jake, I was only half paying attention to the end sequence. The Simpsons is pretty good again, they had a couple seasons where they should have called it quits, but the writing has improved again.