Levil Uniform #12
See kids, I’m hip, I swear. Issue #12 of Levil Uniform is out, featuring the art of Chris Edmondson and Travis Thompson from Jackalope Tattoo, musical guests Dr. Mastermind and Red Fang, and a skateboarding feature interview with genuine NW ripper Kevin Kowalski, with whom they would like you to believe you can win a date. He’s so dreamy…
Did someone make some diy shit at jump off joes? I always thought that would be a cool spot for some renegade tranny.
that is a building foundation right on the beach front in Newport.
if you have comcast go to on demand sports and fitness,then havoc tv then skate and watch the bacon video footage. its has more of that spot and kevin kowalski ripping it.
sorry to burst your bubble kilwag, but levil uniform is not hip or cool. and yes, that is just my jaded opinion.
Oh oh. What does that make Skate and Annoy?
Jakeandannoy, thanks for the tip on Comcast on-demand. There’s a lot of stuff in there. I had no idea that Havoc section was there.
i know, they update skate section with new clips like every 2 weeks. good when nuthin else is on or if you dont have a beaucoup dvd library.
The bubble’s back, get into it.
there’s only one type of Bubbles, and he’s busy fixing shopping carts and training free range kitties.