Extra evolves
From cave man straight to bowl rider, skipping the mongo period all together. Here’s a commercial for Extra gum as spotted by frequent (and frequently funny) reader JAKE AND ANNNOY. It’s a video camera pointed at the TV, but the highest quality I’ve ever seen. Ah, techmology…
Extra Gum commercial with skateboarding.
Nice concept, but the voice over script is dumb. If you have to explain it, it loses it’s novelty.
Looks like a good way to involuntarily swallow your gum. It stays in your stomach for seven years ya know… but retains its flavor for the entire time!
From primordial ooze to CGI fluff-rider.
look at the generic cityscape in the backround, is that the same park sarah connor gets nuked at in her judgement day fantasy?
Maybe in that seven years the gum would evolve into a lump of crap, then the crap would evolve into a snowboarder.
The ex-Chief of Staff Infections approves as does Richard Dawkins et al.
Hmmm, but Darwin disapproves of the lizard to lemur to sloth to chimp to caveman progression.
Totally, all they have in common is a common ancestor, one did not “become the next” as often misinterpruted…Also, linear “progressions” like these are so common in the media…evolution is not necessarily progressive, many successful forms regress (or devolve!)in response to local selection pressures.
Danny Gonzales’s best footage to date.
almost as good as his wendy’s spicy chicken sammich commercial from 3-4 years back.