The Small Beatings will continue…
Chad Jackson had skateboard company in the late 80’s and early 90’s called Small Beating. Actually, before that he ran a company called Swindle Skateboards. Chad was an am for Blockhead, Santa Cruz and Zorlac before becoming an early employee/friend of Foundation. Does that logo look familiar? He later had some bad blood with Swank (See Big Brother, September 1998) and he went out on his own again. We all know how good the 90’s were to vert skaters, so you can guess how that turned out. Time heals all wounds, or at least leaves an ugly scar. Chad has resurrected Small Beating Skateboards with some new product and a web site filled with Small Beating nostalgia, and nostalgia for an age yet to come. The blazing Michael Goetz photo at the top right is Chad atomizing the hand poured coping on the crazy Small Beating indoor ramp. You can see more of those shots over at The Skateboard Archives.
– Thanks to Sea Cliff Vert Ramp for the tip.
Why isn’t Westside on the team?
the original run of the company was actually from ’98 to around ’03. thanks randy!
Fuck! Chad’s ramp looks SICK.
It IS sick, so fun. Did you see the photo of Benji skating it in the news section on the Small Beating site? That spot where he is grinding has 4 or 5 feet of vert.
-Thanks for the attention. It’s too bad the only thing I can be remembered for is getting screwed over, I must be some burger-flipping retard, huh? riding your skateboard is fun, do it.
chads ramp is tight and hard to sk8!
I vaguely recall that company. The Swank thing was news to me though. I just remember the logo.
After numerous board vendor delays the first batch of decks should be in hand this week.
chad and josh nelson will both be skating in the pro-tec pool party tomorrow. check out the webcast.