Vert is Dead: More 90’s nostalgia
Ok, it’s more like a lot of late, late 80’s and 90’s nostalgia, but the title should give you an idea. Vert is Dead in a nice collection of magazine pages and flotsam from the era. Pictured above left is a 1989 photocopied product catalog from SMA. On the right we have a 1991 Thrasher advert for the infamous Natas graphic on his 101 skateboards. If you go back to the first post, Vert is Dead kicked it off in May of 2008 with a Tracker advert for GSD’s airplane evacuation graphic board. The advert appeared in the October 1988 issue of Transworld, the first issue of a skateboard magazine that the site’s author Justin ever saw.
Thanks for checking out my website.
I have been hunting for that board for years. I need me some more satan in my life.
Too bad this is no joke. Whatever your views are, satanism is very real and destroys people’s lives. keep this garbage out of skateboarding.
Yes people, this is no joke. I can’t help you win a Grammy award or the NBA finals like Jesus can, so please stop beseeching me with your inane requests. I’m the Prince of Darkness, fer Christ’s sake…, Pun intended. While I’m at it, we may not see eye to eye on everything, but my colleague Jesus is really tired of it too. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve been in negotiations and been interrupted when he’s had take a prayer call about someone’s dead kitten, missing car keys, job interview or something equally as meaningless. The point is, you need to learn take responsibility for your own actions and stop expecting Jesus to pick up your slack, and more importantly, stop blaming me when you make poor life decisions. I have to go now. By the way, big fan of the site. Keep up the “good work.”
Well put, Satan. Well put. Love your site. Super scary!
Satan, I was born on Xmas and I think you’re #1. Jesus is for pussies.
In the red corner wearing the red trunks and weighing in at over 0.9 times the mass of the universe, SKATAN. In the blue corner in the blue trunks and weighing in at only 0.1 times the mass of the universe, GEEZUS. Stay tuned folks, it’s sure to be a good one as all that is dark battles with all that is light. Officiating this epic battle is none other than Mr. E=MC^2 himself, Albert Einstein. Calling the action, blow by blow, is Quantum Man, Dick Feynman. It sure to be a good one.
Guys, you’ve got it all wrong. JC and I are not mutually exclusive. He needs me as much as I need him. We’re not funny that way, not that there’s anything wrong with that. Contrary to the beliefs held by most of his followers, neither of us care what you guys do to amuse yourselves, as long as no one gets hurt or taken advantage of. You should see yourselves during the act, it’s quite comical really, and it’s no less ridiculous when it’s members of the opposite sex going at it.
hey, i was born on xmas too!
and yeah, satan, keep up the awesome work. we’re all rooting for ya up here.
Satan, you can’t play the fiddle worth a crap! Meet me at the crossroads so I can win your shiny fiddle made of gold.
Satan, you wield some mighty typing hoofs. You should have a weekly Satan’s editorial rant. Give Lindsay Lohan a break and give us some insight.