SOTW 3-23-09: Hagen Pool, Germany
This week’s Shot of the Week is from Peter Diepes over at OMSA. It’s a shot of Txus Dominguez with a one footed carve at the Hagen bowl in Germany, and yes, it’s a make. You can catch it on video over at EuropeSkate. Txus Dominguez has been accused of trying to turn Spain into Oregon as one of the principals behind a skatepark building company called Zut Skateparks. You don’t see teh one footed carve grind much, unless you’re a Northwest Skater like Dan Hughes.
There’s a full frame version in the gallery. Check it out.
mad carve there and a really cool pool to visit. Just to get the story straight – the pool was built by minus-ramps out of Hamburg,Germany. They know how to build pools – check their site http://www.minus-ramps.com/index.php?Language=2 The latest construction is a great looking bowl landscape in Stuttgart, Germany.
Keep it up Skate and Annoy!
Right, I didn’t say he built the Hagen bowl, just that he was part of Zut.
your faster than lightning! no problem…
backside doesn’t count
FS one -footed carves? I got two words for you: Gunnar Haugo….he was doing ’em in ’78 – even had a Skateboarder Mag poster of him doing one – BTW he also invented what D.P. would later call the Indy Air but doesn’t get credit cuz’ he called it something gay like a “Flip Out” so it didn’t stick….at least he didn’t try to name it after himself and call it a “Gunn-Air”. OK if this post doesn’t date me as ancient I dunno’ what does……
Hey,runaway.Dwayne Peters stole my trick.I never got credit till now.It has always been called the Gunnair.never called it the flip out.The right people know about the trick,the Kona Boyz, all the San Diego skaters, anyone who skated vert in North County. Jim Muir came to the Kona Bowl and saw it.Its in Skateboard Madness, the movie.Thanks for the comments and the trip back in history. Gunnair
Gunnar, Good to hear you are still breathing…like most tricks from back in the day the groms were doing them an hour after they saw them….natural progression..CS
Hey Chris,still breathing just fine.You mean 3 years and an hour after they saw them.It wasn’t groms,but credit thieves.I still remember your cess slides.Not a lot of grom progression off that trick.Hope your well,GH
was just talkin to people about Dtown and skateboard madness and knew and hung with some of them,even had a roomie named Gunnar,and here you are.I have been in michigan for 20 + years buliding powerlines dooin good drop me a line at chopatthedock@yahoo.com or facebook
Is this Gunnar Haugo from Vista, Ca? This is Jeannette Osuna E-mail me at jettskee59@yahoo.com please
yeah right , i remember that pic of Gunnar. Still a rare trick.
this is gunnars nephew,its good that people know that D.P. stole from my uncle. i havnt really talked to him about it but hes pissed at duane.and i have that magazine of gunnar doing these FS one footed carves,its way gnarlier than any kickflip down an 8 stair ive ever seen
gunnar, Ken Haigler here, I hung out with David Paul back in the day and remember you well. also saw you a couple of time at the SD sports arena for concerts. just wanted to connect and say hi. ken
Ken,just talked to David Paul Sunday,he is playing and building guitars up north. Thanks GH
There will be only one gunnar, tony alva and jay adams, they are the duke kahanamoku of skateboarding.
Honolulu, Hawaii
Getting critical with the wheel going over the coping!!!