Some of us are looking at the stars
Unfortunately, for every morally uplifting tale, there are about five or more human beings who are still just living in the gutter. There was an 80’s English skate rock/hardcore band called the Coolest Retards, these guys after the jump definitely fit half of that bill.
My legendary Kung Fu skills are the stuff of legend!
This one is pretty funny. The carnage comes after the kid focuses his board. – Thanks to TK for the tip.
Then there’s this video that Mandible Claw titled “If skateboarding were just a little gayer”
Downhill is so hot right now.
If this is the most effort your friends can muster up to let you know there is a car coming, you need new freinds.
Super sketchy video of a guy allegedly getting hit by lightning while skateboarding.
High speed downhill luge to ball rack on a pole!
yeah! A Coolest Retards mention!
So entertaining…
That last kid probably won’t be passing on his genes. Darwin’s theory at work.
I was cringing with expectation that one of the guys on those big pogo sticks was going to have their feet slip and smack their face coming down from seven feet.
I gotta give props to those pogoers though. That’s kind of rad. They’re taking a kids toy to new levels of performance, difficulty and finesse, sound familiar anyone? And it just looks fun to be able to hop up on top of a mail truck or 10’ledge. but the wipeouts made it look like the costs can be too high vs. the rewards for this old HOMOS, to borrow the acronym.
Thanks for (always) bringin da goods wag
…But Football in the Groin had a football in the groin.
I remember being young and getting pissed and snapping my board, then I had nothing to ride on.
Hi all again, it’s me Boy Ipoh from Malaysia. Kinda shock that u guys found the article off the star from Malaysia. Yeah it was in the tv news too last year i think. The kids used a skateboard to school either..