Oversized Rob Dyrdek
Rob dyrdek has an obsession with world records. He’s been goofing around with an oversized skateboard for his MTV show Fantasy Factory. At first I thought this was the same board we featured here back in 2007. In fact, it almost looks smaller than the ones the Michigan enginerds built. The guys who built said they had a possible high profile buyer in line, but weren’t allowed to say who. I looks like the trucks are different for sure. The Michigan model was based on Seismic trucks, this one appears to be more conventional. Still, they don’t show the construction phase, they could have easily swapped out the giant trucks… One thing that is interesting, the references make no mention of “world’s biggest,” just greatest. Remember kids, Swank stared this whole thing. While were at it, Drydek has written a skateboarding movie called Street Dreams that is supposed to be released at an unknown date in 2009. The film is already completed, and stars some familiar names like Rob Dyrdek, Paul Rodriguez Jr., Ryan Sheckler, Compton Ass Terry, and Ryan Dunn. The plot is about a Midwest skateboarder trying to go pro, and all the non-flowing parents, bitchy girlfriends,skate harassment and related trials and tribluations. It all comes down to the clincher at Tampa Am. Kind of like in Most Vertical Primate 2 when the kid beats out Ryan Sheckler at the Seattle Air Quake contest, with the help of his chimpanzee. Giant skateboard video after the jump.
[Source: Transworld – Baltimore Examiner ]
Someone is going to have to take one into a ditch or something and actually ride it someday.
What do they do with them after they’re made?
I’m thinking he should bomb a really big hill.
That would make a hell of a video….