Old school MVP
Spotted on Flickr, this Russian postcard has a caption that roughly translates to:
When Gosha received a new skateboard he thought it was the best present in the world. However, within half an hour he realized that the best present would be new frontal teeth.
Unlike the monkey made famous in Big Brother who appeared with Ryan Sheckler and Bob Bunquist in MVP2: Most Vertical Primate, this monkey doesn’t need a special snowboard style binding for his front foot. My three year oid kid would watch that damn movie 24-7 if I’d let him.
I’m kinda bummed that you are telling me that the chimp in most vertical primate used bindings ala daddy yo. hmmm… fuck, that sucks. talk about a bubble burster. before tonight it was all love for that movie, but now it’s love/hate. oh well props out to the Russian chimp I guess he gets my MVP vote.