Ever wonder what one of those prefab skateparks look like when they show up at the old tennis court? Well, me either, but I thought I’d take a look as long as someone already had pictures. Hopefully most of our readers won’t have to get any closer to prefab than the pictures on G.O.N.E., which stands for Geezers of New England. Nice acronym, (but it’s no H.O.M.O.S….) While I can’t condone getting excited about prefab, I did get a good chuckle out of the appropriation of the famous Sex Pistols graphic.
skateparks are like girls: better to wait for a good one that to be stuck with one that can’t cook
it’s a nice prefab mini though and it will last forever.
Thanks for the Geezer promo Randy.
you can build a nice mini in a garage, but if you get pre fab you have to wait a really long time for concrete (rock to fakie, fakie to tail, repeat)
the northwest and northeast are pretty much polar opposites. the northwest is littered with amazing parks, with some shitty ones here and there. the northeast is littered with shitty parks, with a few good ones here and there. this is why i moved from the northeast to the northwest..
but we have Rye airfield and you have DOS in the winter
Be gentle with us, we’re trying but w/o the terrain we’ll never be HOMOS!!
We GONEr’s have to make due, and man it sucks sometimes. We’ve got Newburyport 45 min away, Rye 50 min away, Fitchburg 60min, Stamford, CT over an hour away and NOTHING around Boston. Subliminal is 45min and Skater’s Edge is 50. But again, nothing nearby Boston – the Charles River Park may never get off the ground here.
We should add that 3 GONEr’s were involved in and donated money to that prefab park, we’re that desperate.
grab a shovel
look at all those hood river pictures lately, you want that or or pad up for the prefab?
waitaminute… grown men not only allowed prefab, but HELPED PAY FOR IT AS WELL?!?!?
thank god i picked the correct coast to live on.
I have one word for prefab GAY. Build it yourself. Next time i go through Bandon Oregon I will take some photo’s of there rusted prefab park. it is only about 5 years old.