Aren’t you getting a little old for that?
Famous words from parents, grandparents, and relations everywhere when it comes to skateboarding and/or punk rock, but this time applied to J.F.A. singer Brian Brannon in relation to the headline “JFA frontman knocked unconscious while playing a show in Arizona” –
“We were playing the song “Lowrider” and when I sang “The Low-rid-er, he gets a little higher,” I jumped into the crowd and depending on who you ask, I either jumped too far or people moved out of my way,” stated Brannon. “It knocked me out cold and then paramedics arrived to make sure I was OK”.
They had to cancel the show, but Brian got back on the horse the very next night. The quote is from a strange press release issued by JFA,s current label DC Jam records. The photo of Brian is from JFA’s current board manufacturer, Factory 13.
straight to the floor sucks. photo’s sick
I tried a backflip of the stage at a dead kennedys show at the old keystone in berkeley back in 1984 I think. There were definately not enough people in the crowd and I hit the floor and cracked my dome open pretty good. I only neeeded 4 staples though. punk rock woohoo. haha