Roof! Roof!
Yeah! Bark like a dog! I’m going to post way to many pictures of this roof because it’s such a novel concept out here. Sure, we have the world’s greatest skateparks, but only a few of them are lighted, and almost none of them are covered! Hood River Oregon has really stepped up to the plate. Thanks again to Carl Warren, here are some photos of the roof going up over a portion of the new additions to the Hood River skate complex.
When you’re done here, why not check out Carl Warren’s photo blog
The real question is, how long till someone rolls in off it?
I do like the way that pyramid looks. it seems like a refreshing version. I like the curb sized thing on the top.
every other town in the northwest—
are you guys paying attention?
Amazing. Not to put a damper (pun intended) on the effort but I wonder how dry a roof can really keep it with all the wind blowing. LC II doesn’t seem to stay very dry as a result.
Yeah, I know what you mean. The roofs need to be lower or much wider than the skate area.
Maybe it will work better in this spot, it’s in some trees and against a hillside.
Damn you skaters up in Hood River are champs! Well done!
air to head bonk comin up!
better than trying to skate with an umbrella…
probably could put some kind of tarp hanging system on the sides that would be removable in the summer.
But my big question is – where are they getting all this money!
My guess is with a name like Hood River, the town is populated by hoodlums. Perhaps they use their “glocks” to intimidate people into giving them money for their skatepark project. Of course, they would not look for victims on the vicinity of the Burnside Bridge in Portland, which is apparently frequented by people who may themselves be “strapped” with “glocks”.
they probably carry hunting rifles or bayonettes in hood river.
hood river is like, oozing with dough. skateboarding is so inexpensive compaired to windsurfing. I think you need to make $100,000 a year to be a windsurfer. HR is the outdoor recreation capitol of the world, and if those people arn’t making a ton of money somehow, their parents must be! rent is insane there.
great idea colin! maybe those retractable RV awnings. how’s that bike track affect the skatepark? across the street is the frisbee golfcorse, do those guys ever barge the skatepark? I barged their park to have a micro brew and a smoke with some locals there and the “FOLFERS” seemed stoked we were using their part of the park. regardless of the fact that I am too poor to walk down the main street and check out all the rich hot ladys, I love Hood river!!
Every year we apply for our skate park- nothing
Hood River gets money year in and year out…
Someone is in cahoots-
Winner: Cold Ones!
I think you’re on to something there. Skateboarding is indeed a serious endeavor. Defending it’s sanctity from two-wheeled ruffians while optimizing street-cred can prove complicated. Thankfully, the web provides a place for logically discussing the solution to these difficult undertakings, and it would seem, further applications for said solutions.
I’m going to get “strapped” with my very own “Glock” soon.
sorry to hear that TIm, but i’m guessing Mill City just doesn’t have the private cash flow that Hood River enjoys…other option is D.I.Y.
I agree with Welsh……The roof at Lincoln City is worthless, the rain still comes in from the outside. there needs to be some sort of tarp system down the sides for this to work. Otherwise it’s pretty worthless….especially with the wind factor in Hood River. Save your money and build more park for dry days.
Roofs don’t just protect one from rain. While some sort of detachable sides would be cool, it’ll still be nice to have some shade on a hot summer day, and it’ll be even nicer to have less tree-debris finding it’s way under your wheels.
I’m sure some serious individual will correct my obvious ineptitude, but I’ll just come out and say it anyway: Hood River just took the crown from LC as the best park in the Northwest.
I’m stoked that both Hood River and Lincoln City are such epic spots. My 2 cents: Hood River, albeit rad, I still have to tip my hat to Lincoln City as “King of the Skateparks.”
That didn’t take long.
Seriously though, LC is a vert guys wet dream. It does very little for me. Pretty amazing park anyway.
hahahaha i guess if LC builds a street area next, then it will be king of plaza too hahahahhah
seriously hard to top LC and the Snake Run, what a rush, I havn’t seen anything anywhere that tops that, well Reds Bowl is ridiculous rush too. Ballz Up. personally I enjoy the Bside thats the GodFather, wait till we build some new shiz.. Don’t think Hood River is gonna get Gnarliest Park on any mag cover anytime soon (not that that means anything) No offence it is starting to look a lot better than just the old stuff & pretty sick, guess we’ll all have to ride it to really see how good it is.
All for roofs though but weighted curtains are vital in windy areas .. Build them and they will come (when their is rain)..
Hood River developed a master plan for their skatepark years ago. All wood structures were to be replaced with concrete phase by phase. A roof was part of that plan as far back as 1999 if I recall correctly.
The county has been budgeting funds for this plan for years. That accounts for part of the funding. Grants supply the rest. They’re easy to get with a good master plan. It’s easier to ask for a little money every year than a lot of money all at once.
still think its a big waste of money… but hey if a little shade is worth thousands, go ahead and build it. I’d rather have more park.
carver-you’re either stupid, or making a stupid joke.
either way, there’s stupid afoot.