Old School Skateboarding Slams
Just like the title says; it’s Old School Skateboarding Slams from the northern Indianapolis area, circa ’87-90. Nothing in it stands out as spectacular, but taken as a whole it’s got a big warm, fuzzy vibe. My favorite slam starts at the 1:35 mark. It’s way off in the background and doesn’t make a good screen capture, so I went with my second favorite slam that happens immediately after. GVK said he felt like he could have been at any one of these sessions. Watch the whole thing after the jump.
Old School Skateboarding Slams
YEs !
I feel it, too.
I keep thinking one day I ll get
a tony Hawk kind of haircut
just for a few days…
one of the kids is rocking an original bleached one
I remember that I always thought:
what if they cut their hair and still shaking the head all the time…(like they do to see something)
I really have to go for one
one day
that slant rail set up looks pretty bad
This reminds me of Old Man Session at DOS.
That was great and no horrendous injuries.
I wish I had some of the shit we shot back in the 80’s. In one video I went to stinkbug boardslide on a homemade curb going as fast as I could. I didn’t see the nails sticking out of the coping and man did that full speed stickbug slam look funny.