For life, really.
Legendary skater Tom “Wally” Inouye just celebrated his 50th birthday, and he’s still going at it strong. Need proof? Check out the Shot of the Week with Tom at the Donald bowl that was captured just last summer. Tom is the owner of his own skate shop in Hood River, Oregon known as Inouye’s Pool Service. There’s an nterview with Tom in Juice that is recent, at least in terms of Juice! Scholastic News (for the kids, you know?) also has a short profile on Wally, Gelfand, and Larry Bertlemann. Leave it to his friends to post a video with a backhanded complement, “You rip hard for a 50 Year old.” I’d say he rips hard, regardless.
I’m 32, and when I fall hard, I can’t skate for two weeks while my body heals. I can’t imagine what its like when this guy falls hard.
He’s the greatest mentor I could ever ask for- without his awesome support I’d be in jail. Happy Birthday Wally!
Happy birthday, Mang! Grind on.
Three cheers for Tom Inouye! Those old guys are a real inspiration, that’s a rad hip grind.
Hip, Hip Hooray! or…
Hip, Hip, Replacement!
Sorry, couldn’t resist.
And you are one of those inspiring old guys… Unfortunately, I’m just old.
Happy Birthday Wally!
You are offically the oldest skater I know. Stoken…
One of the most humble and generous people I have ever met. Happy birthday Wally. Thanks for the inspiration.
Hey Wally Happy Birfday and thanks for the autograph you gave me in 1978. At Cherry Hill. I’m sure you remember. Congrats.
UPDATE: Wally broke his wrist the day after his 50th B-day……send all good wishes to his website at http://www.sk8ips.com……...