30 year old snake run in Belgium
BMX’ers and skaters don’t have a beef in Belgium. Hell, they even share their websites. Bocal Mostard (translation?) is a collective of skateboarders and BMX riders. They met together to celebrate the 30 year anniversary of a snake run in the city of Liège, Belgium. It looks like there was a mass thrash, art events and live bands. Sounds pretty good in any language. Check it out.
I, for one, have a very anti-BMX agenda. They chip the coping and cut you off. Always back and forth one after another spine transfers. And the little kids on Huffys? Don’t get me started. Forget rollerbladers, BMXers are the true enemy.
That snake run looks awesome.
I f*ckin love a good old Snakey
i’m upset about the first comment,why do you have some hate about the bmx?
i’m a old skateur i don’t have a lot of respect for the rolleur bulshit blader but i have a large respect to the bmx, cause bmx is an hard core disciplines.
so if you wanna test come the the snake run and you will see a lot of respect with all of us.
but with stupid words like yours my friend the bmx gonna smash you down realy hardcore!!!
comon’man it’s time to grow up and build something together.
one love
kool runna
I only hate em when they run into me at the skatepark. As long as they dont slam into me or chip the tedder stone coping I dont have any beef with em. My old bmxer roomate was alright when he wasnt smoking speed or staying up for 5 nights in a row.
NO sir, after 30 plus years of bikes copying skaters, maybe it’s time for you to grow up and create your own spots…thank us for the inspiration and go your own way. Maybe you should share your spots with ATVs and motorcycles since you all love handlebars and brakes so much.
Some very well thought out arguments, very glad to see that 30+ years of pissy bullshit have taken its toll.
Grow the fuck up. Its skateboarding.
Well said. The world wouldn’t notice if skateboarding ceased to exist tomorrow morning. It is fun, yes. But the level of seriousness is pathetic. So many grown men angry because somebody else wnats to play with different toy…
But YOU would definitely notice if it had ended five years ago, it seems… bein’ beyond pathetic and all.
Don’t you have a kid on a bicycle to get mad at?
Nah, I already yelled at him til he got off my lawn… but shouldn’t you be moving on to other four-year-old topics about which you can share observations quite as brilliant as your noting that Ewan’s like-a-real-slow-boss comment that BMX is “skateboarding” was “well said”??
You ought to read what you write before you hit enter.
That last post makes no sense whatsoever.
Bozo, you ought not to even try to think, let alone share, if you can’t sense that it took a laughable (would-be) boss to declare, re “BMX’ers” and skaters, that “Its skateboarding”. Merry Christmas, Bozo… and you might want to listen to “Warhead” by the U.K. Subs, so you can stop projecting about the senselessness of it all, elsewhere, as well.
Listen to shitty punk rock! Why didn’t I think of that?! Thanks, genius! You are so core!!!
But I do like the heartfelt Merry Christmas.
Bozo, that particular song, its musical merits aside, was more ‘sensate’ thirty years in advance than our current Republican legislatures’ mock HINDsight was, regarding “children in Africa”, i.e. Libya. (As the New York Times is just now detailing this week. In fact, those dumbshits in the Subs seem rather prescient for not anachronisticly going on about Al Quaeda as the driving force for what they saw “rising in the east”). YOU don’t seem capable, though, of understanding WHY a rising sun was, for instance, on the flag of kamikaze aggression… and why the coast that sets the sun… is where shitty rap and shitty surfing go to die (and get celebrated in last week’s skating Christmas song). But, hey, that’s not an inevitable curse, any more than your willful sense-lessness is, Bozo… and skating, which is more original to California, and less coastal, doesn’t even necessarily require graphics like Hosoi’s to ‘ward off’ that Opposite Of Kamikaze spirit. I know this – and transmit it to you – because I am so core, my son.
I am amazed at how many references you are able to pull in to a mere SnA post.
While I am not entirely convinced by your meandering logic, I am still pretty sure you’ve just won the internet.