Tony Hawk HuckJam Gummie Vitamins
You’d be amazed what some companies will send you if you just ask them. For example, the recently released Tony Hawk Gummies, a teen multiple vitamin and mineral supplement.
Whether he’s busy shredding the halfpipe, working on his latest video game, touring the country with his Boom Boom HuckJam or making one of his numerous television appearances, skateboarding legend Tony Hawk is first and foremost an athlete. And athletes know the importance of good nutrition. However, most of Tony’s fans are boys ages 8 to 16 – not the most nutritionally conscious group around. So, Tony has joined forces with NBTY, Inc., a leading manufacturer of nutritional supplements and children’s vitamins, and created the Tony Hawk HuckJam brand of vitamins. These chewy “gummy” vitamins, shaped like miniature skateboard decks, skateboard wheels and Tony’s signature hawk skull, provide a good source of 11 vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin C, which bolsters the immune system*, and Vitamin B-12, a major factor in energy metabolism*.
It’s kind of amusing that the Tony Hawk name wasn’t enough branding for the marketing department so they had to add HuckJam in there too.
Available in regular and giant size.
Those flavor shapes are more of a suggestions than a reality. I wonder if VCJ get’s a royalty for that lump of gum that is supposed to be the hawk skull.
80% of kids aren’t eating right. I wonder why that is?
Just like 80% of processed American food, the main ingredients are sugar and corn syrup.
Pretty cool. Now maybe teens will get more vitamins.
The reason that American kids aren’t eating well is because their Moms get knocked up without getting married, have to work all the time and leave their kids at home to raise themselves.
70% the nations poorest and uneducated children come from illegimate births. There are bigger things to worry about than Tony Hawk vitamins.
What your idea to get them to eat vitamins?
Ok, even for a fanboy like me… this gets a WTF? Are kids really going to take their vitamins because Tony’s name is on the bottle? Really? I suppose wholesalers/retailers are certainly going to buy it because of that. I mean, it’s not a low-quality deck/shoes being sold at discount stores, and it IS theoretically a health product… but really? I can see the next demo… “Tony! Sign my vitamins!” Can’t wait to see the autographed vitamin bottle on Neil’s eBay watch! (Yea, you know I’m totally bidding.)
maybe we should educate them
It seems as unusual marketing to kids knows that Tony Hawk can now be as relevant to vitamins as the Flintstones are.
You think Hawk puts a little Tony in every bottle. Hey kids, taste my tang.
“keep out of the reach of children” haha…
also you need these vitamins after eating the Bagel Bites and McDonalds that Tony also endorses!
LMAO whats next Sheckler brand neosporin. Pathetic!
somebody should punch Tony in the fucking face if this is for real…this crosses the sell out line far beyond recreational pogo sticks or affordable Wal Mart skate shoes
i picture a fat kid on the couch playing tonyhawk8 or some shit on x box, just poppin’ those things like sour patch kids. only takes a dollar and dream..
Well, I was staying near his ex-wifes for awhile, and let me tell you beach front Encinitas rent/mortgage ain’t cheap. Fuckers got bills to pay. Fuck it. If any of you broke asses had someone wavin’ that kinda money in your face you’d do it too. Who cares? Skatings not cool/underground/punk any more. I don’t know why you dudes can’t get over that.
The Hulkster had vitamins, brother.
What choo gunna do
when hulkamania runs wild on youuuuuu, america????
“Moms get knocked up”- DaddyYo
His language reveals his sexist mindset;He doesn’t see or mention a man failing to care for his offspring, just a knocked up woman who didn’t get married. There is no such thing as an illegitimate birth…Jesus’ mom was a teenage unwed mother. On the vitamin thing now, i must say how can you sell out when all you ever wanted was to buy in?
arron says what i wanted to say in my comment regarding the soy wheels. I just want to say that my kids mom is the the best mom ever, and my kid gets a well balanced diet. but one of the best decisions I ever made not to marry. skaterdave you are on the money, the dads need to step up. don’t agree daddy yo? you are a proud dad right? maybe alot of the poor un educated dads are off fighting the war?? this day and age, in this culture, why get married? I have saved all my child’s future assets I can give her because I did not loose what I worked for and earned. and I have a good relationship with my ex. I still have a sweet tooth and those gummy skateboards look mighty sugary!! I expect they are not actually healthfull but I am educated about proper diets. I worry about kids who get their vitamins this way. these type of vitamins are no answer to a lack of a proper diet, and they are detrimental to the heath of children, because the vitamins are most likely undigestable. expensive candy. I would gladly buy tony hawk candy and give it out on haloween. I guess I’d also buy Nash candy
Sellout? Who gives fuck? How old are you? The dude is making some extra scratch. How much money have any of you judgemental fucks raised to build skateparks for strangers to enjoy? Probably not much. How would you have time to help other skateboarders when you are too busy being cool and adjusting your flat brimmed hat.
What’s the point of even weighing in on this anyway?
“aaron Says:
December 8th, 2008 at 7:29 pm
Who cares? Skatings not cool/underground/punk any more. I don
DaddyYo wrote:
“What your idea to get them to eat vitamins?”
Where is your evidence that American teenagers are suffering from vitamin deficiency in the first place?
Answer the question if you dare.
“If you get married, stay married or don
These supplements need to be tested by an independent testing lab.
i got some cause they were the only ones left at walmart.
they are DANK!
i can pop those mofuckas like a tweaker pops pills!
tastes so so so so good!! :]
dont hate on it till you have tried them, alllrighty!?
seriously though..
they are yum yum yummm
The USDA recommends 9 servings of organic fruits and vegetables every day. what kid eats that?? The problems from lack of nutrition don’t show up until later in life. The TV dinner generation is getting all kinds of diseases now. Feed your children fruits and vegetables and supplement with Vemma Next or some other “healthy” supplement. These might be good to replace candy though, give them these instead of gummy bears.
Verve is actually a healthy energy drink…really any high quality liquid vitamin/mineral is best for kids. No Centrum or hard pills. what you want is organic, plant sourced minerals.
well $10 for a large bottle. Pretty tasty. A good value for what ya get. Dont give a damn about TH or Skating : )
you won’t have a problem getting your kids, spouse or yourself to take these. the problem will be stopping at one. these are the crack of vitamins. 😀 they are the best gummies of any sort i have ever had. soft and chewy. taste as good as candy. suprisingly low on sugar. if you buy these for kids make sure you put them where they can’t get to them. heck make them difficult for yourself to get to, you will want more than one. my sister gave me one to test at a party and everyone started eating them. wal-mart used to sell them but they quit. now i can’t find them : – (