Stepbrothers credits
Joesf sent in this screencap from the credits of the movie Stepbrothers. There’s not much to say here, except I’ve got a busy day and this is about all you are getting. See it larger after the jump, if you must. Nice plastic trucks. I wonder if they had to have someone’s assistant break this thing in on the parking lot to make it look worn.
will ferrell is the lamest asshole in hollywood. close second, or maybe tie for first, owen wilson, luke wilson, ben stiller, george clooney, brad pitt, vince vaughan.
Yea, but Owen Wilson can do a front blunt down a 7 set rail.
those stickers and stencils of that chick in the bikini are the shit
Worse than all of those guys combined? David “Wishy Washy” Swimmer!
forgot david schwimmer! and matt leblanc while we’re at it. and that guy who played slater. sorry for ranting, my wife watches “extra” and “access hollywood” every friggin night.
‘my wife’ means ‘i have to watch it as well’
Ron Burgundy is the single greatest invention since sliced bread. It gave us “Sex Panther…made with bits of real panther.” Will Ferrell does not seem like an asshole…at all…ever…never…ever.
John Stamos was a huge douche. Then he became John “I get to bang Rebecca Romain” Stamos and he was the shit. Now he’s just a douche again.
russel crowe is the biggest douche, those other guys i mentioned are just stupid pricks. will ferrell is an idiot. he always does the same movie just with a slightly different plot. hated him ever since his cheerleader routine on snl. i’d also like to make owen wilson’s nose more crooked.
colin ferrel, orlando bloom, leonardo dicaprio, and the wilson brothers the dueshiest of the dueshey. I would’ve included Keanu Reeves, in 1st place, if it werent for him doing rivers edge. Motherfkr!Food eater!
Blades of Steel pretty much ruled
I just sent the picture in cause I find it a little ironic that a multi-million dollar movie made use of a crappy used k-mart board.
this IS one of the best movies ever.if you dont like it i might have to put my nutsack on your drum set.
“boats n’ hoes” 4 life
Repeat, Will Ferrell is not a lame asshole. You must not like humor, or your more of a Bob Hope fan.
Why are you so sweaty? I was watching cops.
“Wow, 464 other people have that name…” Classic. Will Ferrell is pure funny. Thanks for that link, Egbert.
I watched Elf and Taladega Nights last weekend are both were hilarious.