Code of Honor
I should have made this post on Tuseday.
On this date in 1982, (December 9th) Code Of Honor released their debut single, “What Are We Gonna Do?” It was backed by “What Price Would You Pay? Neither track appeared on an album. The San Francisco hardcore punk band released a split album with Sick Pleasure and then one album of their own before disbanding in 1984. The band was formed by Michael D Fox who was a co-founder of Subterranean Records.
What are we going to do? From the looks of the cover art, I’d say mostly handplants.
I found this over at The P5, an excellent site for finding old punk, post punk, new wave and odd music from the 70’s and 80’s. Punk purists will be disappointed, cause it’s got some pretty mainstream stuff on there at any given time. While the site does not offer any downloads directly, more often than not it will link to another site that does provide more information and a download. If your personal code of honor prevents you from downloading even out of print music, (and good for you!) you’ll find The P5 is still a good place to learn music history and discover new (old) bands that you might otherwise have missed. I don’t know how they do it, but my guess is that they are armed with a couple well worn and dog eared copies of the Punk Diary and Post Punk Diary.
Getting back to Code of Honor. I have a clear memory of repeatedly seeing the first EP (not pictured) at our local record store and in House of Neil’s collection back in the day, but I can’t say I can remember the music at all. It’s the same shot of skateboards lined up next to a guitar that is on the more recent Complete Recordings release on CD. Ther funny thing is that I also have a clear memory of really liking the typeface they used on that EP cover art. Here’s an interview with Code of Honor that originally appeared in issue #8 of Ripper from 1983, and lo and behold, Code of Honor on Myspace.
[Source: The Post Punk Progressive Pop Party]
What Price Will You Pay is on the Not So Quiet On the Western Front compilation. I think Alternative Tentacles may still distribute it.
The invert is COH’s bass player Dave Chavez. True skaterock—ripper fersure….
I’ve got this 7″ and everything else COH ever recorded. Actually this single was one of the first pieces of American hardcore that I ever heard. Totally classic and essential.
and I recently burned it all myself from vinyl to mp3, so I can hear it whenever I want! Kudos to kilwag for bringing up this great band.
Good record, I’ve got the 12″ with skateboards on the cover…
check out thrashin in the streets,skaterock from Michigan….totally.
Dave Chavez and his brother Joel still skate and they still fully kill it.
The “Not So Quiet On the Western Front” album is such a great comp.
It really introduced me to the northern California punk scene.
I grew up in Orange County and I thought we had the best bands.
It really opened up my eyes.
Popup warning Hahahaha!
I’ve got “Beware the Savage Jaw” but not any of the other stuff. I’m thinking of a couple places to scrounge for it around the record bins here in rainy snowy land. Good post!
COH is one of the best hardcore bands that ever existed. No hyperbole. Those guys ripped. I bought the COH/Sik Pleasure split as well as the 7″ when they came out probably after hearing them on Not So Quiet. Although it could have been the result of a review in Thrasher. At any rate I still listen to them all the time still which is more than I can say for most of the hardcore I loved in the early 80’s. In case I missed it in the earlier comments the Sik Pleasure split was the same band different singers. Even though they changed on the Beware the Savage Jaw record from their earlier sound they still killed it and took hardcore in a logical direction instead of wanking off heavy metal wannabe crap. If you’re interested in hearing all their stuff it is out on CD as of a couple of years ago on Subterranean. Fight or die.
I guess my comment about the CD was redundant.That’s what I get for reading to fast. So here’s more on them from Last Days of Man on Earth. He posted all the tracks from Beware too.
“I shot the muni driver blow his head away. I shot the muni driver we’ll all ride free today”-sick pleasure ya dave and joel have been skating for ever. Good stuff.
Count me among the COH fans who owns all of that great old vinyl. I always was partial to the song “What Price Will You Pay” Great post!
rip is pretty poor though. I have a better one if anybody wants it.
I also have that classic vinyl. Chavez came up here to Oregon to skate in recent years. See him on YouTube skating the pool.
Hi everyone,
I’ve been googling articles and pictures of my dad, John Powers.. I guess better known as Johnathin Christ. My dad passed away this morning from heart failure, a complication from the brain tumor they found in ’07. I’m the oldest of his 3 children and we all love him and miss him very much. Thank you to everyone who loved his music. He was a good person and a great dad. I know he’ll be missed by many.
Thank you,
Sorry to hear your loss Megan.
Just heard the news while net surfing. Had no idea! I exchanged a couple messages with him on myspace just last year.
Code of Honor were among my top five favourite H/C bands of the 80s. Their music was both inspirational and motivating. I am saddened by the loss. Also sad I never got to see them live, but their music remains the soundtrack to my teenage angst and holds a strong place in my heart.
RIP Johnathin.
Code of honor are absolutely great. I wonder if Mike Fox is the same Mike Fox who played in Los Olvidados ?