Beez Nutz
Nothing beats a good dork session, except a dork session with some good skating. This is a clip from Beez III – Unusual Protocol. You can buy the whole thing on DVD combined with parts one and two over at beez.wiskate.com, which leads me to believe this crew is from Wisconsin. See, I told you I love the Midwest. Check it out after the jump.
[Source: EPM]
great video and site.. still reading the wiskate stuff
1 trillion times more creative that anything the “duff man” could do. great vid.
Duff Man says a lot of things! Oh Yeah!
Proof that Skate boarding is art… NOT sport.
thanks for giving wisconsin some shine…
None Better I will learn these tricks.
Wow, very creative stuff. Very Dadaesque.
now I can quit wathcing that japaneese video
Curtis, don’t pick on Gou. That dude rips.
I meant to give Gou a complement, I was sort of addicted to watching his show! the beez made me want to make a room in my house skateable. I think Gou could be the star of the beez 4, and I think next year we will see the “teeter toter”, (like that pallet trick)show up in some park somewhere. Gou has inspired me and my skating, but I’ll never do that rail stuff.
that was orville shredenbacher meets rippy longstocking! tiltmode w/out the name recognition. i haven’t been this stoked on a vid since eastern exposure….. especially incorporating that wooden spool into skating, yeah! sickest multimedia trick since scott bourne rolled a tire down an sf hill, caught up and manualled it.
It’s great that they used Jan Svankmajer clips.
…but now I have to un-melt my brain and try to remember what a skateboard “trick” is “supposed to look like”.
Anyone order this? How long did it take to arrive? I feel like it’s been two weeks, but that’s probably false.