SOTW 11-03-08: Wall rides are back
This week’s Shot of the Week comes to us from Kevin Porterfield, the proprietor of Dokument Skateshop in Salem, Oregon. It was a slow day so they dragged out the launch ramp for some wall ride action in front of the shop. Skater’s name is Travis Jolley. There are some bonus shots after the jump. Don’t forget to check out the full frame Shot of the Week.
Extra shots.
I think Grover has the same tile on his kitchen floor. Travis Jolley on the wall. Click to enlarge.
Nick Jolley. Both of these guys work at the shop.
remaniscent of willamette damnit scott oster feel.
Woot Woot
does this shop sell half cabs?
Don’t those guys look a lil’ young to be doin’ something so old school… their friends are all gonna laugh at them… Well, I guess they’re not padded up though…
doesnt even look like you landed it
Hell yea. I miss seeing those marks everywhere.
they were landing them. it was a cool line acrosed a busy street on a slate wall with a lip. not to bad for 17 & 18 year old shop kids. we were just trying to keep it real
Sick. sicksicksick.
i love these
Meant to ad this in there.
I laughed so hard when i saw these.
look at dat face. Tongue and everything