Sleezy Skates
Ohio has a few renegade skateboard companies, including one called Sleezy Skates. In their own words:
homemade spray painted planks from the heart of southern ohio. skatopia lurkers. doin it fer the kids in the sticks!
These are a few of my favorites at the top. Although really crude, they have a large “body of work” that has definitely has an outsider art appeal. What more would you expect from the land of Skatopia and Devo? Check out Sleezy Skates.
zero comments is about what these decks deserve. Oh shit. Make that 1 comment.
if you’ve never been to Skatopia… you probably wont get it.
The Buzzkill deck is awesome. Not for everyone though.
Its different out here in the midwest, we aint premadonnas about our shit. Everything is sketch and we like it that way. Skatopia and Sleezy arnt for the faint of heart, and i dare you houseofneil to roll up to Skatopia and repeat your comment.
Repent, sinners! Gaze in awe at some gnarly fuggin’ decks — then buy one, then go skate it. THEN complain about the graphics, and see if you still feel good about yerself for ripping on such a sick stick.
house of neil’s retarded. he doesnt know shit about skateboardin thats why he goes through all this message board shit just to decide what hes gonna ask his mommy to order him next. sleezys from the heart (or the gut) of skateboarding around here. they put the real meaning in skateboarding; havin a good ol time. next time u take a sip of that pbr or that bong rip, think about buyin a sleezy board on the side!
OK, here’s one. Someone doesn’t like the same skateboards that i do. Waaaaaaaah!
we came to have fun not to be number 1
sleezy’s the way to beezy. frontside or no side. heckle some kids, burn some cars, make some sick boards, play hot potato with an icepick for a drinking game, play some bluegrass and gg allin, SESSION. sleezy dudes are the gnarliest dudes and make sick boards. go git sum!
If ya can’t find the humor in “Mulletov Cocktail”… we can’t help you… (I said cock…)
sleezys the shit. decks are fuckin good! grpahics are better than your gay ass corporate bullshit, make that everything is better than your corporate trendy shit. the real deal holyfield.
sleezy skates are hands down the best boards out there, git stoked on fun skatin and fun times, american made wood and products, support quality american made products not chinese JUNK
reminds me of porous walker
sleezy skates is the shit. house of neil is a panzy ass. They live right down the road from me and anyone that thinks they aint wild has another thing comin’
Last time I checked I’m from chicago, so I guess that’s the midwest. But it sure as hell aint busted-ass Ohio, and I aint no toothless fucking redneck hillbilly like the rest of you obviously are. The decks still suck and so do you all. But I’m happy you like them. You deserve eachother. Ugly ass white trash decks for ugly ass white trash folks.
wow another cityslicker that can talk shit and street skate a 1 ft ledge. grow urself some balls, by a real skateboard not one of them little pop sickle sticks and head to skatopia. you wouldnt last an hour, ya aint got no heart boy!
At least Neil knows how to spell.
but come on, that sam margera deck is funny as can be
i would think the sleezy dudes would be stoked that a collector dude like houseofniel doesn’t like their stuff…
well niel, were skateboarders not male models. pretty rad of you to talk about how ugly we are. shows character.and since you know everything about every skateboard ever we value your busted-ass opinion highly.
“I ain’t no toothless fuckin redneck hillbilly” you forgot gun-totin’, truck drivin, and whiskey drinkin’.
now GIT!
i think these decks look sick. who cares if its spray paint? thus shit is DIY, steazy, and Sleezy!
sleezy is the shit i ride one and i love it
im not sure what happened to sleezy. but i still ride a sleezy uncut that matt gave me years ago. im gonna have to stop out to the sleezy house and lurk around sometime!
Not everyone likes us but we drive some folks wild….Sleezy is still around painting up new boards with the bros in the next coming months….SLEEZY AINT DEAD