More foam used in skatepark construction
I guess making a skatepark with foam for the backfill isn’t such a big deal after all. John Kehoe sent in some pictures of a park under a bridge in Holland outside of Amsterdam in a place called Koog a/d Zand. (?) It was built by a Dutch company called Carve in 2005. They cut the foam by passing a current through a wire stretched across wood, like a bow strung with a toaster element. RC geeks use the same method on a smaller scale for cutting wing and fuselage elements out of foam. Although, in a link from the first time we talked about this, some people just use a chainsaw. Pics from John Kehoe after the jump.
Skatepark in Holland – Foam used as backfill
Click to enlarge.
Here are some more Pics from this Skatepark:
Holy crap. Under a bridge but lighted and walled? We could use that around here in the rainy season.
what rain problem?
Yeah, Dick Cheney and his damn global warming machine. Right?
That’s how the foam part of surfboards are often shaped also.
Holy cow nweyesk8! You have a regular skatopia NW going there.
Its not so good, weird transistion, som annoying kinks.skateable, not really nice
that shits tight!