Insert stair joke here
Hello again, I’ve been out of commission due to a fight between redneck engineering, motorcycles, radiance, velocity and gravity. I lost every round in every fight in all five of those matches. Simply the headlight fell off while driving at a high rate of speed at night. But I’m back again, beaten but not beat.
Pressing on, there are a wealth of kits and schools that allow the average kid to BYOB (build your own board). The folks at Roarockit included in that, but what I’m more impressed with is their functional bit of industrial art in the form of their staircase. Even went as far as to fabricate a mold where there is no concave on the leading edge, kind of like most of the warped Powell & Peralta boards from my youth.
Images thanks to – Thin Air Press
Ok: The Pope and Barack Obama walk into a bar and see some stairs… err.. never mind.
Those stairs need grip, they’re a liabilty. Helmets need to be worn when using those stairs or I will sue the city.
To finish Kilwag’s joke…
Ok, the Pope and Barack Obama walk into a bar and see some stairs. They are greeted by God at the bottom of the stairs. God says to the two men, “If you can climb all 100 steps without laughing at any of my jokes, you may enter my kingdom of heaven.” The Pope makes it only 17 steps “Too bad buddy, you go to hell”. Barack however makes it to the 100th step with no trouble but then starts laughing after he makes it into heaven. God smiles and remarks, “That happy to make it to heaven?” and Barack says “No, I just got the first joke”
Was that originally a joke about George Bush?